Dont u wish sometimes

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Weeping for the Nation of 68
That u were born in other nation which has stability and rich history?

For godsake dont look at the cursed south that wont leave the path of violence. But Just look at the situation of stable Somali regions. So embarrassing. Khat disease in Djibouti, Maamulka sland and ogadenia. They are lazy as f*ck. U would think they would make the best out of peace. But instead they choose to be lazy.

Allah sure test our faith by being born as Somalis:jcoleno:

p.s this is not selfhate thread.
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I have an IQ of 300
It's less about the rich history part and more about the attitudes of the people inhabiting said nation, unfortunately.
This is a rough patch, and we can get ourselves out of it. The only way is up, inshallah.

Nightline Kid

Hippo Crate
Not really. I mean I am constantly frustrated about the state of Somalia and if I’m being honest I’m very pessimistic about where Somalia will be ten, twenty, thirty years down the road. Somalia always seems to be stuck in a constant state of “one step forward, two steps back.” Allah is testing us greatly


Beesha Reer KPOP!
Not really. I mean I am constantly frustrated about the state of Somalia and if I’m being honest I’m very pessimistic about where Somalia will be ten, twenty, thirty years down the road. Somalia always seems to be stuck in a constant state of “one step forward, two steps back.” Allah is testing us greatly
I feel you abaayo


Intellectual saqajaan
You see, what you don't understand is that in their minds, they're proud and think everything is on the up and up, courtesy of a stupid culture that prioritizes needless things like clan and religion. A sheep heder in rural Afghanistan is to himself the most successful person because he was spoonfed this nonsense.
Not really. I mean I am constantly frustrated about the state of Somalia and if I’m being honest I’m very pessimistic about where Somalia will be ten, twenty, thirty years down the road. Somalia always seems to be stuck in a constant state of “one step forward, two steps back.” Allah is testing us greatly
Allah isn't testing us. We literally being punished for what we did. Yesterday, people picked up arms because they felt 'oppressed' under the regime, they got rid of it without planning to fill in the vacuum. What happened after the last government was brought down? More and more problems came out of every corner, more people are killed, more hunger, more foreigners in the country who undermine and plot against the country.

Allah says in the quran he doesn't punish people unless they bring it onto themselves.
You see, what you don't understand is that in their minds, they're proud and think everything is on the up and up, courtesy of a stupid culture that prioritizes needless things like clan and religion. A sheep heder in rural Afghanistan is to himself the most successful person because he was spoonfed this nonsense.
@Ferrari how did you like this


So much depends upon a red wheel barrow.
No, such a negative way of thinking, I'm not my nation/culture/what-have-you.
I'm just a person who happens to be a Somali Muslim and wouldn't have it any other way.
Do I hope that we could improve? Ofcourse.
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