Don’t be a simp : Steve Harvey gets cheated on by his lovely wife Majorie


You’re a misogynistic fool who’ll use any excuse even the fake lives of celebrities to justify being an absolute xaasid towards women. Everyday, women get cheated on, more so than the other way around. Anecdotes and even statistics illustrates that men simply cheat more, yet if I were to say that women shouldn’t be too nice to their husbands you would cry with outrage. I mean it’s women who deal with most cheating cases…but it’s okay for us to get cheated on right?

Supposedly, his current wife didn’t even cheat on him. It’s all a fake rumor but what is facts is that Harvey himself did indeed cheat on his first wife and the mother of his three older daughters.

Men will cheat, see other men cheat day and night and then cry about a rumor of a woman cheating to justify abusing and mistreating women.

I don’t know how you’ve managed to marry, but you won’t have a long or happy marriage with your attitude. We live in a world in which your wife doesn’t need you. She’s with you because of how you treat her. So be careful. Play stupid games and you’ll be in for a surprise.

We’ll see your next thread about how women aren’t loyal anymore and leave their husbands for no reason and you’ll be too stupid to realize why. I’ve always thought you were an insecure fool.
Let's be honest, neither gender needs the other in the West. It's not like younger gen men are inept children who can't look after themselves. But Ceeb culture, dragging your family's reputation through the mud and fear of Allah SWT means that that the vast majority of Somali wives will never cheat, so OP's fear are unfounded. But you still hear stories of some eedos doing dirt :manny:
Let's be honest, neither gender needs the other in the West, it's not like younger gen men are inept children who can't look after themselves.
Exactly, which is why you should treat your partner with upmost respect. Saying I won’t be nice to by husband/wife is ridiculous. They can leave and rightly so.
But Ceeb culture, dragging your family's reputation through the mud and fear of Allah SWT means that that the vast majority of Somali wives will never cheat, so OP's fear are unfounded. But you still hear stories of some eedos doing dirt :manny:
OP is a misogynist. Cheating in our community with regards to the women is very low. But since there isn’t an ‘ceeb’ culture when it comes to the men I’m hearing dozens of stories. At least our fathers gen feared hell but these Western raised younger lot aren’t as fearful and they’re not held back by societal judgements because they’re men. Yet, when it’s the other way around it’s all laughter and boys will be boys.
He married an alpha widow with drug dealing gangbanger for an ex.

to compensate for the lack of thug passion he entered a transactional relationship, where he would pay her weekly to stay loyal to him.

You can buy luxury, you can buy a lifestyle but you can never ever ever ever buy genuine desire from a woman.

I dedicate this to Steve and all the fallen simps



East Africa UNUKA LEH
Steve Harvey isn't a simp he's a grifter who grifts on validating women. I don't think he actually cares plus apparently now that I checked he was cheating recently, aswell as with his current wife when he was with his previous one.

Didn't the king of the UAE's wife run away with a body guard? I don't understand women stanning Lori all I have ever see when she's brought up is that she's jumped from one guy onto the next what's the correlation here that's shes above security guards?
Nothing is worse than the Bahraini princess running away with a US soldier
Oh wait there is, just about all these arab male rulers having a plethora of prostitutes, oh what a disgrace!

