Does anybody remember Ummah forum


I just checked it and its still around. I haven't been on it in years. It was during a time when interracial marriages were at an all time high (Somali girls marrying ajanabi). Its mainly Pakistani's on there, very few Somalis.
when where interracial marriages were at an all time high ?
If I told you then I'd be telling you my real age. :drakekidding:

From 2011-2014 there were alot of IR marriages for some reason. I don't see it as much now. Anywho, UF was lit because there were lots of stories on the Muslim marriage community. It really opened my eyes to the amount of abuse and violence that some women faced in their marriages. From what I can remember, alot of Somalis on there were looking for ajanabis and did not like their own people. I wonder what they're doing now... (maybe they migrated here)
@Desert Flower We know you are in you’re thirties :bell:
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