Does anybody here currently have beef or problems with someone irl?

the one i have most problem was I was walking to the mosque in my thawb, this guy comes from other direction in front of all the akhis on my side of the street,
he goes up to me and asks to see my phone in front of everyone, says I ain't acting boogs then I say nah then I barge past him with force then run to the mosque before he shanks me

i see him a couple weeks later in the mosque

if you guys aren't from london whenever someone asks to see your phone a shank is coming out very quickly
Mirin the quick thinking. How did you react to seeing him at the mosque. Sounds like a next level cortisol spike
I used to psychologically torment people when I was unhealed but I don’t do that anymore. I am self aware. Now I save my manipulation skills to be a striver and social climber 🙏

live, love, laugh <3333

you aint no main character woman "oooooh my manipulation tactics" like woman no offence but that aint real i swear i get annoyed when people act like cringe edgy emo lords like tf your manipulation tactics gonna do oooooh shiver me timbers guys
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