Does any western born Muslim have a


Minister of Propaganda
I would argue that the Western moral framework is originally based on Islam.

It had to start somewhere?

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
even if we say the "Western moral framework is originally based on Islam"

I mean... it was European paganism... then it was hardcore ancient and medieval Catholicism... then it was Catholicism but also Protestantism....

then it was classical liberalism

then it was more modern liberalism plus fascism plus communism

now it's the current liberalism...

at what point is it based on tawheed? obviously, things like stoning adulterers are more secondary than tawheed... but the basis of Islam is tawheed... at what point is Western moral framework based on Islam?

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
That has nothing to do with my point.

My point is that the Western moral framework originally came from Islam.

umm. I think stoning adulterers has something to do with Islam. I want into more detail after.

anyways, I'm sure you must have thought about why you believe the Western moral framework came from Islam. what's your case for this being so?


Minister of Propaganda
umm. I think stoning adulterers has something to do with Islam. I want into more detail after.

anyways, I'm sure you must have thought about why you believe the Western moral framework came from Islam. what's your case for this being so?

Because it originally comes from the Bible, which is the word of Allah SWT.

If they could corrupt the word of God, then they can corrupt the morals of God.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
what even is the Western moral framework....

paganism... I don't know what Odin has to do with Islam...

Catholicism... well... Christianity is sort of related in a sense...

the Western moral framework after paganism and throughout the medieval period was based on Catholicism....

then the reformation happened...

then liberalism...

even mainstream historians will admit that liberal revolutionaries of the "Enlightenment period" were very often Freemasons and there was a clear connection with Freemasonry...

and the "Enlightenment" was very largely about separation of church and state and secularism... secularism is based on Islam? Freemasonry is based on Islam?

the idea that Western culture is based on Islam is very weird.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
Because it originally comes from the Bible, which is the word of Allah SWT.

If they could corrupt the word of God, then they can corrupt the morals of God.

so... having your culture based on the Catholic Church is being based on the Bible which is being based on Islam..... ?????

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
unless we're going to argue that Islam came to establish constitutional freedom of speech rights or something... the only argument I can think of is... the "Enlightenment" liberals sometimes had ideas that maybe Europeans should be somewhat nice to non-Europeans... but even the Catholic Church promoted this kind of thing when Spain was taking over Latin America... there were Catholic officials who promoted "rights of the Indians"... so this idea wasn't really unique to liberalism and... is having "be nice to people" as part of your ideology equivalent to "being based on Islam"? I'm sure even Hindu scriptures say something about being nice to people but no one says Hinduism is based on Islam


Minister of Propaganda
r u trolling?

No, I am being serious.

Western morality prior to Christianity and Western morality afterwards is completely different.

For starters, nearly any decision taken in Europe for centuries was done because of the Bible or in the name of Christianity.
No, I am being serious.

Western morality prior to Christianity and Western morality afterwards is completely different.

For starters, nearly any decision taken in Europe for centuries was done because of the Bible or in the name of Christianity.
You do realise Christianity and Islam are different?

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
I believe Islam is the origin point of all monotheism or do you disagree?

I mean I guess... but even pagan religions tend to have monotheistic elements... there's usually a king "god" or father "god".... by this logic... we could say Hindutva is based on Islam as we would could say Hinduism is based on Islam... by this logic we could say the Zionist state is based on Islam.... heck, Communism was largely influenced by Islam.... the Aztecs recognized Tezcatlipoca as their "king deity"... I guess we'd be able to say the Soviet Union, North Korea, the Spanish state that genocided Spain's Muslims, the Zionist state, the theoretical Hindu Rashtra of Hindu nationalism and the Aztec state are all based on Islam...

also- all humans are born upon the fitrah which is based on Islam.... and AI and robots and all technology are all designed by humans.... and the rocks and trees and nature were all made by Allah.... so I guess we might as well just say everything is "based on Islam".....

the Rocky movies, Pokemon, Coca-cola, voodoo, pre-Islamic Arab paganism, I guess we could just start saying everything is based on Islam....

even if we said "Omar del Sur, how dare you assert pagan religions had monotheistic elements! those filthy mushriks!"....

okay..... so if you stand outside a Baptist Church in Tennessee- you would say the Baptist Church in Tennessee is "based on Islam"? this is just a weird form of kalaam


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