why they smiling tho
Igu sawiir with dying Abdi kkkkkk
nah the guy who tweeted this was in the pic, he would've stated otherwiseNot doctors, its the family
For every Abdi that dies, 20 more shall take his placeEveryone is extra happy when an Abdi dies
Bring a mask with you while you're at it.I would never trust a doctor in Somalia
Alhamdulillah, none of my immediate family got sick while visiting there.
A piece of advice for anybody going over there make sure to keep up with your vaccines.
My soul would hunt them@Timo Madow and proud what would u do if they just deadass took a pic of yo dying ass
68 iq strikes againSomali doctors need to be taught moral compass and trained not to show any inappropriate facial expressions whilst treating a patient , this is outrageous but the OP's Display Picture is not helping at all
Not with that pose especially