Do you think your ancestors would be proud?

Cushitic is a very conservative branch. But the fact that we cannot understand other Somali languages besides Af Maxaa (not dialects) tells you that if we went 2500 years back, we would likely not understand them that well.

A competent Somali speaker could talk to a person 1000 years ago but changes do happen in all languages over time. I think a person 1000 years ago would employ a diversified nuanced vocabulary and symbolic language. Modernity has reduced this for all people from all over the world concerning the relationship of their speech traditions.
True Af-Maxaa and Af-Maay are mutually intelligible, what isn’t intelligible with either is the af-gaja-gaja diaspora kids speak.

The better your af-maxaa is the better your Af-Maay becomes because Af-Maay is the more ancient version.

Even so it takes like 14 days to learn if you speak even basic Maxaa, where it breaks down is af-jiido and all of that
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True Af-Maxaa and Af-Maay are mutually intelligible, what isn’t unreliable with either is the af-gaja-gaja diaspora kids speak.

The better your af-maxaa is the better your Af-Maay becomes because Af-Maay is the more ancient version.

Even so it takes like 14 days to learn if you speak even basic Maxaa, where it breaks down is af-jiido and all of that
Af-Maxaa and Af-Maay are unintelligible in principle. But there is Af-Maay dialect that has heavy influence by Maxaa where the languages seem closer and there is the familiarity aspect. But cold turkey, they are different languages.

The idea that Af-Maay is more ancient is not true. the languages diverged from each other which means they are the same age back to where they coalesce retrospectively. Now, if you mean that it retained more ancient qualities, I don't see the case for that. The skeletal structure of the languages is pretty characteristic and quintessential to their developmental change and nature. They took different morphological trajectories, though closest distinct languages relative to the other Somali languages.
I am normally not into the whole spiritual believe of "I am my ancestors" as I believe we are our own people and there is no need to associate dead ancient people you biologically relate to in to your day-to-day life nor claim your ancestors achievement as your own since you personally haven't contributed, so there is nothing to be proud of especially if your country is the way ours is. I have been asking myself though, do you think our ancestors would be proud if they knew the conditions our people and Land would be in today? do you think they'll be highly disappointed, disturbed or perhaps indifferent.

Also not related to the topic but these pictures look nice ! Our peope used to be so photogenic.
I think, impressed they would have been, and disappointed, of course like all other ethnic groups on their historical journey. Impressed with our pre-1978 history, and disappointed with what has become of us post-1991. But trully impressed 50 years from now when, as people, we shall have matured assuming our rightful place amongst nations, and along our contemporaries. Of course, the natural 'qab', and 'han' synonymous with Somalis will have dissipated with some Somalis even accepting servitude of weaker cultures, but most shall fare well in tech. and trade.

You should consider visiting MN, OH, and WA to see how Somalis are prospering, and actually faring better than other minorities. A good example, I attended an event over the weekend, where a Somali owned company is building an entire neighbourhood, on acres of green land, for Somali families just outside of Minneapolis. Also, consider visiting ardu Somal, and you will be both impressed, and disappointed, albeit in the next 10 years, I am envisaging great strides will have been made in harmonisation amongst peoples of the Horn, with Somalis amply contributing. Infrastructure building projects, farming, small scale factories, tech.-based commerce, innovation, livestock, fishing initiatives amongst other noticeable projects are taking shape in ardu Somal.

I recall reading a memoir by a Somali elder, in his 80s at the time of his drafting, a former senior marine officer, who reflected upon his flight from the civil war to a refugee camp in Kenya, right after the eruption of civil war, and having been told to [sit down] by a Kenyan officer (he used a different term), and with tears in his eyes, he lamented 'hohaye tanina ma ii laalayd - Avast, was this in store for me'. In a nutshell, there is a hierarchical spectrum for cultures, and ours, warts and all, does meet the form of the good.


Our ancestors would be asking us to buy them a plane ticket out of Somalia if they lived today.

When things start really looking up for Somalis, most of us will be one foot in the grave unfortunately.
Our ancestors would be asking us to buy them a plane ticket out of Somalia if they lived today.

When things start really looking up for Somalis, most of us will be one foot in the grave unfortunately.
That's kinda sad knowing how much land we have. Many other nations would spend millions to get that much land especially for our coast line, kinda sad how much sacrifice the people before us made and then mf's had to ruin it and throw it all of the window in the late 80s/early 90s.


That's kinda sad knowing how much land we have. Many other nations would spend millions to get that much land especially for our coast line, kinda sad how much sacrifice the people before us made and then mf's had to ruin it and throw it all of the window in the late 80s/early 90s.
Somalia was on borrowed time the moment Galbeed was given to Ethiopia. It is what it is.
What exactly is so different about Somalia back then and Somalia today? They are both a collection of decentralized clan states with constant infighting
What exactly is so different about Somalia back then and Somalia today? They are both a collection of decentralized clan states with constant infighting
You should consider reading G. Hanley's book Warriors, in which, if memory serves me right, he wrote, I am paraphrasing "I wish I could live a time when Somalis will have adopted modernity, and technology to witness their brilliance".


I am normally not into the whole spiritual believe of "I am my ancestors" as I believe we are our own people and there is no need to associate dead ancient people you biologically relate to in to your day-to-day life nor claim your ancestors achievement as your own since you personally haven't contributed, so there is nothing to be proud of especially if your country is the way ours is. I have been asking myself though, do you think our ancestors would be proud if they knew the conditions our people and Land would be in today? do you think they'll be highly disappointed, disturbed or perhaps indifferent.

Also not related to the topic but these pictures look nice ! Our peope used to be so photogenic.

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Ms malab you got one of the wildest name in this forum by the way.
This is not 5th century saxib, you're letting other men build an entire country just for you to live isn't that a bit spineless? I mean even traditionally speaking that's something women were positioned to so since they provided off-spring, what use is a man going to get from letting another foreign man in his land ? Besides nomadic people normally go for deserted land.
None of us diaspoa kids (those who were either born or grew up in the West) have ever participated in the Somali civil war, so you cannot hold any of us accountable for that problem, spineless? Really how's it being spineless to be taken to another country by your family to flee gaajo, insecurity and a civil war?

I think our ancestors would be disappointed if we threw out our culture, diin and ethnicity/blood by mixing with non Somalis, which in the ultimate end means our ethnicity in it's pureste form would stop existing.. You see that's why keeping your culture and identity is more important than anything else no matter where you may live.
What exactly is so different about Somalia back then and Somalia today? They are both a collection of decentralized clan states with constant infighting
Exactly the only people who would feel differently are those who made it to the formation of somalia those before that wouldn't have seen any difference


Anti Qabilist - Somali Patriot
I am normally not into the whole spiritual believe of "I am my ancestors" as I believe we are our own people and there is no need to associate dead ancient people you biologically relate to in to your day-to-day life nor claim your ancestors achievement as your own since you personally haven't contributed, so there is nothing to be proud of especially if your country is the way ours is. I have been asking myself though, do you think our ancestors would be proud if they knew the conditions our people and Land would be in today? do you think they'll be highly disappointed, disturbed or perhaps indifferent.

Also not related to the topic but these pictures look nice ! Our peope used to be so photogenic.

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Our ancestors would be rolling in their graves, if they witnessed the state of our people today. The pride and honour our ancestors had have turned into hatred and dismay for our fellow countrymen. Why would Allah (swt) help, when we refuse to help ourselves. The psychological impact of seeing our country / people fall apart, has brainwashed a new generation into carrying on the mantle of hate and violence.

The good news is the only way to go now is πŸ†™


Somalia was on borrowed time the moment Galbeed was given to Ethiopia. It is what it is.
-lost a defensive advantage of the highland areas of galbeed
-now has an easily penetrable border
-lost vast fertile lands
-lost alot of lands that have regular rainfall dont suffer droughts
-lost a massive chunk of land

somalia is now in a situation of a war cycle because galbeed is a key to improvement. get a half decent economy-->prepare for war-->wage war


i believe they would've been so proud of our strong spirit in the face of adversities. never giving up and always moving forward :)


FrΓΌher of the Djibouti Ugaasate πŸ‡©πŸ‡―
They're Somali citizens. Somali is both an ethnicity and nationality. Somali citizenship β‰  ethnically Somali.
I ain't calling my self English cause I was born and raised here.
Nor am I calling myself British cause that's my nationality.
But yes, they have no homeland aside from tanzania so they may as well call themselves somali citizens or somali-Bantus. But they are not my ethnic kin, rather fellow nationals


FrΓΌher of the Djibouti Ugaasate πŸ‡©πŸ‡―
-lost a defensive advantage of the highland areas of galbeed
-now has an easily penetrable border
-lost vast fertile lands
-lost alot of lands that have regular rainfall dont suffer droughts
-lost a massive chunk of land

somalia is now in a situation of a war cycle because galbeed is a key to improvement. get a half decent economy-->prepare for war-->wage war
We got fucked over by those cadaan devils. The only thing we can do is either build up somalia with that we have left or go for a all or nothing jihad to take back out land and people from foreign hands.

If we don't act now, by the end of the century these lands will no longer be Somali anymore I promise you lot. Last 20 years already saw many somali lands get taken and assimilated and now oromo are near the border of somalia, passiveness is the Curse of Somalis today. 60 years ago Somalis would be jumping up and down like monkeys preparing for genocide against the Christian savages, but now somalis are all so peaceful with these people who kill us and steal our lands.


Imagine seeing your great great grandson as a 68IQ incel wannabe street thug and your great great grandaughter as a BLM LGBTQ+ intersectional misandrist activist. They would probably be suicidal and prefer to die again.