Do you think Everyone is jealous of Muslims?

Do non-Muslims have crappy lives?

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They have shitty lives when you look at it. Most of the women they marry have already been ran threw by multiple men. Plus it's inevitable that their daughters will go to strip clubs and sleep with multiple men. Compared to the alternative, Islam presents a more dignified, superior way of life. I mean, all you have to do is look at the difference between most Muslim girls vs. kaffir girls in the world.



The average Muslima is dignified and for the most part fears Allah. We might commit some sins but most Somali girls I know would never dream of sleeping with a man outside of marriage. But the only thing gaalo men have is:

I feel bad for them honestly. If I was born as a Western white man I'd go somewhere else to find a wife.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
"Don't hate the , hate the shame" had me a HELLO!

Saalax Bidaar

Truthfulness so often goes with ruthlessness
They don’t wash their bottoms when they use the restroom.

They have to take anxiety pill, anti depression pill, just so they can sleep.

A Muslim just has to pray and all anxiety and depression goes out the window.
They don’t wash their bottoms when they use the restroom.

They have to take anxiety pill, anti depression pill, just so they can sleep.

A Muslim just has to pray and all anxiety and depression goes out the window.

It is amazing with all those problems yet they managed build save and prosperous society that people migrate and risk their life to get there.

Maybe we should stop washing our buttes so we can build better country:cosbyhmm:

Saalax Bidaar

Truthfulness so often goes with ruthlessness
It is amazing with all those problems yet they managed build save and prosperous society that people migrate and risk their life to get there.

Maybe we should stop washing our buttes so we can build better country:cosbyhmm:
Our bottoms are ok it is our heads we need to clear
Our bottoms are ok it is our heads we need to clear

Our approach to life is reject anything that makes uncomfortable...that only leads to regression and stifles creativity...we mimic and compete but we do not create...for those people in the picture are growing pain of progress thus the saying you must break a egg to make a omlet.

They do that because they have less worries but we somalis cannot afford to do that because a lot is riding on our shoulders.


It's all so tiresome

This thread was created by a undercover atheist troll to make Muslims look bad.

Saalax Bidaar

Truthfulness so often goes with ruthlessness
Our approach to life is reject anything that makes uncomfortable...that only leads to regression and stifles creativity...we mimic and compete but we do not create...for those people in the picture are growing pain of progress thus the saying you must break a egg to make a omlet.

They do that because they have less worries but we somalis cannot afford to do that because a lot is riding on our shoulders.

America was built on the back of rugged and hard working People not those half naked fruit baskets. They certainly aren’t part of any progression

I agree on your other point of Somalis mimicking and not being creative
I truly believe the most important thing the west have over us is good governance. They too have regressive people and government deals with them. They too have violent extremist and government deals with them. They societies are strong and well grounded from the top and this allows their people and nations to develop and prosper.

But if your an athiest you will blame islam for our problems. When in reality is currupt to the core dictatorships. There are many non muslim nations who are failing.
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