Do you believe nationalists have a qabil agenda?

Do you believe nationalists have a qabil agenda?

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Tell me your thoughts, because when I was Somalia First my knowelege was limited but I also had a slight qabil agenda within the mask of nationalism.

Because if your only opposition to things is their qabils and not policy are you really a nationalist?

I only subscribe to my qabils political agenda, somalia hasn't given me a reason to change that.

Hassan Garguute Buldanana

Hassan Qabri Faage
Most southie clans are hypocrites. Take Averghedir for example, couple months ago they were pro HSM government and most of their online folks were criticizing Deni for looking out for PL interests. The minute the squatter evictions order come out they made a u-turn and are now mucarads. I don't mind anyone supporting anyone out of their clan interests,but why criticize others for looking out their interests? Whenever anyone south of mudug preaches wadanimo, run my friend and never believe them.
Most current day Somalis cannot claim to be nationalists or “wadani”. They’re not wired to be pure wadanis. Somalia would have to undergo drastic economic reforms/development, a nationalistic revolution and at least 30 years of peace to produce actual wadanis. I have never seen a so called “wadani” who hasn’t had their qabiilist biases rear it’s ugly head.

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Somali supremacy by any means. Any unifying force is welcomed Irregardless of what qabil they represent. If I have a Qabil bias it’s towards whichever clan supports the NW secessionists outside of toghdeer and waqooyi galbeed, the ones in Somalia that celebrate may 18 all need to be jailed. Can’t see their flag, it raises my blood pressure.

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but even if the NW secessionists split from us, my genuine wish would be that they become the richest country in Africa.

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Tell me your thoughts, because when I was Somalia First my knowelege was limited but I also had a slight qabil agenda within the mask of nationalism.

Because if your only opposition to things is their qabils and not policy are you really a nationalist?

I only subscribe to my qabils political agenda, somalia hasn't given me a reason to change that.

What I have gathered there is two primary reason for nationalists.

1. They have a fear of large countries united so they say we must unite due to this external threat which is basically copying syl and siyad barre international scare campaigns. This is debunked by the UAE and Qatar which are small city states yet their bossing around large African nations.

2. Some see their clan not being able to stand on their own in a federation(GM and HS) and don't want to be exposed as langaabs, so they prefer to hide their nakedness under the Somali card. They hate seeing some clans can stand on their own which then exposes them as dysfunctional langaabs, so they cry Somalis must have one govt so their nakedness isn't seen.

Those are two main driving factors for nationalism.
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What I have gathered there is two primary reason for nationalists.

1. They have a fear of large countries united so they say we must unite due to this external threat which is basically copying syl and siyad barre international scare campaigns. This is debunked by the UAE and Qatar which are small city states yet their bossing around large African nations.

2. Some see their clan not being able to stand on their own in a federation(GM and HS) and don't want to be exposed as langaabs, so they prefer to hide their nakedness under the Somali card.

Those are two main driving factors for nationalism.
Second driving factor is solid but the first one debatable.


Second driving factor is solid but the first one debatable.

Tigray who is 4 million took down 100 million Ethiopians yet Ogaden couldn't has destroyed your credibility among Somalis. Warriors are not bred in galbeed and why sayidka used dhulbahante. This idea large countries are more powerful is disproven over and over again. It's about the quality of your people not quantity.
Tigray who is 4 million took down 100 million Ethiopians yet Ogaden couldn't has destroyed your credibility among Somalis. Warriors are not bred in galbeed and why sayidka used dhulbahante. This idea large countries are more powerful is disproven over and over again. It's about the quality of your people not quantity.

Tigray had all the artillery that was left of the Ogaden war. They had other Tigray militias who were present in and around Addis Abeba helping them capture it you can’t compare Tigray with ONLF.
@DR OSMAN jaajuus kaafir eh baa tahay just like your daddy, you’re working for the ethiopians trying to blackmail pro self determination Ogaden youth that live in qurbaha Nacala kugu yaalo you el chapo looking motherfucker it runs in the family doesn’t it?🤔 this whole “dabadhilif” trait?

I’m sure if your little clan lost that many men they’d seize to exist.
All Somali centralists/nationalists are either clannists trying to hoodwink people or scam victims. The only people with real political beliefs in Somalia are federalists because we don’t profit from it. (I don’t count somaliland separatists because ahlul majnun can’t have political beliefs)


@Magan Joseph I admire Ogaden strategical location in 3 countries u have 3 back ups in case any 3 nations fail. I love the rapid development happening in Somali region. I've always said since 2007 in somnet that PL should.look west not south.

But u guys argue your fighting 100 million ppl but why did tigray who is 4 million toppled mengistu and signed of eritrea as independent while taking ethiopia under tigray since 2020. They are smaller then Ogaden yet they can fight 100 million ethio which Ogaden couldn't. Your from the agah land and warriors aren't bred in ogadeniya. Your sawft due to your id00r ties.

PL brutal environment has helped shaped our warriors.
@Magan Joseph I admire Ogaden strategical location in 3 countries u have 3 back ups in case any 3 nations fail. I love the rapid development happening in Somali region. I've always said since 2007 in somnet that PL should.look west not south.

But u guys argue your fighting 100 million ppl but why did tigray who is 4 million toppled mengistu and signed of eritrea as independent while taking ethiopia under tigray since 2020. They are smaller then Ogaden yet they can fight 100 million ethio which Ogaden couldn't. Your from the agah land and warriors aren't bred in ogadeniya. Your sawft due to your id00r ties.

PL brutal environment has helped shaped our warriors.
Unless you retake the shahada I cannot call you “Ugaas” “boowe” “garaad” “Mudane” anymore so please state your shahada first. ONLF fought many groups tplf is just one of them yet onlf still operate in the Ogaden region today. Tplf is gone and the endf has no use there just a bunch of fulays. Did the Deni admin do anything to change this?🤔do Puntland and Ethiopia still have “common interests” and “common enemy”?


Unless you retake the shahada I cannot call you “Ugaas” “boowe” “garaad” “Mudane” anymore so please state your shahada first. ONLF fought many groups tplf is just one of them yet onlf still operate in the Ogaden region today. Tplf is gone and the endf has no use there just a bunch of fulays. Did the Deni admin do anything to change this?🤔do Puntland and Ethiopia still have “common interests” and “common enemy”?

Tigray did something you weren't able to do yet they are smaller in number then you. You kept your arguments linked to Ogaden is fighting 100 million ethiopians and a somali in another thread karbashes that point and said tigray who Is smaller toppled mengistu, created two tigray states one under ethiopia and another for eritrea.

The only explanation is your a fuley weliba ey ey dhalay and stop resorting to islam as a get out of this karbash, true muslims are not fuley like onlf.


Langaab @Magan Joseph soo anigu ma ihi ninka labada xiniyood oo doolo jeexday(annexed) while makahil is fleeing to qabri dahar? Why flee to qabri dahar so they can be buried in ceeb iyo Sharaf dhac
Tigray did something you weren't able to do yet they are smaller in number then you. You kept your arguments linked to Ogaden is fighting 100 million ethiopians and a somali in another thread karbashes that point and said tigray who Is smaller toppled mengistu, created two tigray states one under ethiopia and another for eritrea.

The only explanation is your a fuley weliba ey ey dhalay and stop resorting to islam as a get out of this karbash, true muslims are not fuley like onlf.
Nacaskan bal eega😆😆Horta why does onlf and the Ogaden region concern you?I find it strange🤔that your president cannot set foot in vill today waa la sasabaya sidi wiil yar oo 7 jir ah😆 and yet you’re here whining about how onlf could’ve done this or that.
Tigray did something you weren't able to do yet they are smaller in number then you. You kept your arguments linked to Ogaden is fighting 100 million ethiopians and a somali in another thread karbashes that point and said tigray who Is smaller toppled mengistu, created two tigray states one under ethiopia and another for eritrea.

The only explanation is your a fuley weliba ey ey dhalay and stop resorting to islam as a get out of this karbash, true muslims are not fuley like onlf.
Well technically speaking it was Reer Cabdille vs Tigray, and if we thoroughly inspected the population of R.Cabdille we will come to know that it’s no more or less than 3-4 million. There was a division amongst onlf unlike tplf which was united it’s impossible to fight a united enemy but you wouldn’t give this a second thought using your chimpanzee brain.


Well technically speaking it was Reer Cabdille vs Tigray, and if we thoroughly inspected the population of R.Cabdille we will come to know that it’s no more or less than 3-4 million. There was a division amongst onlf unlike tplf which was united it’s impossible to fight a united enemy but you wouldn’t give this a second thought using your chimpanzee brain.

This is The horn of Africa its not a western democracy. Here the gun rules and landheere and langaab emerges. Hartis are armed to the teeth in the event in lays fahmi waayo. Qori caradisa ayaa laysku fahmi doona


Minister of Propaganda
I think nationalists and qabiilists are equally retarded. Neither of them can help Somalia.