Do Somalis have small frames? What is your wrist size?


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
My hands and feet are small, I remember when a J lady who worked at the airport said she was so jealous of my hands how smooth and women like they are. I felt so emasculated. :kanyehmm:
Somali men gain weight in the abdomanen, thin legs and hands and big ass belly. Somali women are built like refrigerators. Broad shoulders and a long back, can’t even distinguish between the back and the ass.

But that's how the human body works, the arms and legs are the first to lean out when losing weight, your stomach and hips are the first to fill up/last to go because that's where all the organs are, in others words it's your body trying to protect you.

This goes for every race out there, madow, cadaan, asian. Most guys are skinnyfat, look good with clothes on but have a disproportionate body, all that wouldn't be a problem if they cut down to 12% bodyfat, you can't have moobs and abs at the same time, it's impossible, cut the fat down and keep an eye on the calories.

