Do nice guys finish last

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I know of a really good brother who's been on a date recently. It went left, he came of too desperate. Smh

He let the xalimo know on a second date that he was perusing marraige. She hasn't answered his calls since and it's been like 3 days since their last date.

The guy is 28, good looking (no homo) , but he has literally 0 experience on dating. What tips would you advice for someone like this on finding a suitable spouse and not too waste their time with girls who are not serious. (s)



I know of a really good brother who's been on a date recently. It went left, he came of too desperate. Smh

He let the xalimo know on a second date that he was perusing marraige. She hasn't answered his calls since and it's been like 3 days since their last date.

The guy is 28, good looking (no homo) , but he has literally 0 experience on dating. What tips would you advice for someone like this on finding a suitable spouse and not too waste their time with girls who are not serious. (s)


Abti are we talking in third person?
sounds like he needs to watch more AMS guy’s videos on YouTube.

Women want men with a lot of options if you come off desperate a little too soon they will leave you in the dust, those are the mistakes I made on my rookie dating days.


Highly Respected
1. the title is not true as long as you are genuinely a nice guy and not one of those "I'm only nice cause I wanna smash".

2. Three days goes by in a flash, she's probably busy with life and can't be chatting on the phone or texting. Relax.


The one and only 4head
He should just live his life. If he makes girls as a priority than he'll be a "nice guy" for ever! it's better to be authentic and say no sometimes:abuxyga:

Be humble and stoic but also caring and kind.
Over kindness is seen as weakness nowadays so i would suggest him to not be overly kind and nice.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
I know of a really good brother who's been on a date recently. It went left, he came of too desperate. Smh

He let the xalimo know on a second date that he was perusing marraige. She hasn't answered his calls since and it's been like 3 days since their last date.

The guy is 28, good looking (no homo) , but he has literally 0 experience on dating. What tips would you advice for someone like this on finding a suitable spouse and not too waste their time with girls who are not serious. (s)


Why cant he go to the mosque and find a good muslima girl ready for marriage? OR family connection?

A man informing his date his plans to marry her is NOT weakness or "nice" thing to do. That is clear cut. Maybe the girl is not attracted to him. Its okey. Better know now than later.

The problem with nice guys is, they are not alpha, and the girls they are attracted to want Alpha males. Its the chemistry of nature. But make no mistake, a woman needs to respect her husband and also needs to be sexually attracted.

Unless the Farah has money which is good enough to over look the sexual and the respect factor.

Basically, if u go into a relationship with a woman, ask yourself

What is she getting from this union??? If it is something substantial, u have a deal walaal.
Why cant he go to the mosque and find a good muslima girl ready for marriage? OR family connection?

A man informing his date his plans to marry her is NOT weakness or "nice" thing to do. That is clear cut. Maybe the girl is not attracted to him. Its okey. Better know now than later.

The problem with nice guys is, they are not alpha, and the girls they are attracted to want Alpha males. Its the chemistry of nature. But make no mistake, a woman needs to respect her husband and also needs to be sexually attracted.

Unless the Farah has a money which is good enough to over look the sexual attracted and the respect aspect.

Basically, if u go into a relationship with a woman, ask yourself

What is she getting from this union. If it is something substantial, u have a deal walaal.

He's defo not alpha. He's a mummies boy, he's always been that way. But he is not a bad looking guy at all, and works quit hard.

I think the girl he was dating was probably not mature also on her part. But I agree I'll advice him to look for sisters in a mosque and family.


Why cant he go to the mosque and find a good muslima girl ready for marriage? OR family connection?

A man informing his date his plans to marry her is NOT weakness or "nice" thing to do. That is clear cut. Maybe the girl is not attracted to him. Its okey. Better know now than later.

The problem with nice guys is, they are not alpha, and the girls they are attracted to want Alpha males. Its the chemistry of nature. But make no mistake, a woman needs to respect her husband and also needs to be sexually attracted.

Unless the Farah has a money which is good enough to over look the sexual and the respect factor.

Basically, if u go into a relationship with a woman, ask yourself

What is she getting from this union. If it is something substantial, u have a deal walaal.

Walaahi bilaaahi this Basra knows her shit.
I’m not easily impressed laakin lug iyo gacan baan u taagay

sounds like he needs to watch more AMS guy’s videos on YouTube.

Women want men with a lot of options if you come off desperate a little too soon they will leave you in the dust, those are the mistakes I made on my rookie dating days.

Thats true, I told him he probably come on too strong. Girls don't want to hear marraige that early on. But he wanted to make he's objective clear I guess. He definitly did that :siilaanyolaugh:


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
Walaahi bilaaahi this Basra knows her shit.
I’m not easily impressed laakin lug iyo gacan baan u taagay



U r impressed because we r both very Logical huuno looooooooooooool
sounds like he needs to watch more AMS guy’s videos on YouTube.

Women want men with a lot of options if you come off desperate a little too soon they will leave you in the dust, those are the mistakes I made on my rookie dating days.

Everyone makes mistakes. But this guy is sadly going through it now. He feels like it's now or never. Lol
He should just live his life. If he makes girls as a priority than he'll be a "nice guy" for ever! it's better to be authentic and say no sometimes:abuxyga:

Be humble and stoic but also caring and kind.
Over kindness is seen as weakness nowadays so i would suggest him to not be overly kind and nice.

He's brought up in a nuclear family. His used to seeing his dad being a simp. So hes very weak unfortunatly. He told me his dad was a submissive towards his mum. But they've been married forever.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
Everyone makes mistakes. But this guy is sadly going through it now. He feels like it's now or never. Lol


I have a cousin who is a mamas boy. He went to somalia and married a 20 year old. He is 36. He had a couple of babies with her in Nairobi and then brought her to the west after having 3 babies. Every time he would fly to her to Nairbi, she would light up, because he was missed, after every 5 months away. He will bring gifts, and money. She was very humble and lived like a queen in Nairobi.

Then moved to the States, and he was divorced within 9 month, with 4 kids now. Life in america is tuff. In Nairobi, this mother had servants, dollars every month, and her husband was away , and happy when he was with her for 1 month or two months.

In the states she divorced him, got a welfare home, he is paying child support and living single with "friends"

She goes to Somali parties, and sleeps with the Alpha farah she wants.

In Africa, she respected the man as someone with money and always looking rich compared to the African neighbors.

She came to the states and she started comparing herself to the american neighbors with 2019 Subaru 4.x4

Suddenly her mamas boy husband, was not so respected anymore with his beat up 2011 honda civic.

I have a cousin who is a mamas boy. He went to somalia and married a 20 year old. He is 36. He had a couple of babies with her in Nairobi and then brought her to the west after having 3 babies. Every time he would fly to her to Nairbi, she would light up, because he was missed, after every 5 months away. He will bring gifts, and money. She was very humble and lived like a queen in Nairobi.

Then moved to the States, and he was divorced within 9 month, with 4 kids now. Life in america is tuff. In Nairobi, this mother had servants, dollars every month, and her husband was away , and happy when he was with her for 1 month or two months.

In the states she divorced him, got a welfare home, he is paying child support and living single with "friends"

She goes to Somali parties, and sleeps with the Alpha farah she wants.

In Africa, she respected the man as someone with money and always looking rich compared to the African neighbors.

She came to the states and she started comparing herself to the american neighbors with 2019 Subaru 4.x4

Suddenly her mamas boy husband, was not so respected anymore with his beat up 2011 honda civic.

Personally I think he's an idiot. Ive seen women back in Africa waa gaajo. They remind of leeches that suck blood. Like this guy you mentioned ones they get money/ documents and the guy isn't needed. They will start humping the first man that even acknowledges them.

But unfortunatly it mainly nice guys that fall for this. An Alpha tends to be the abuser/ the user/ the shot caller. Majority of the time they've got multiple baby mothers.

Whereas nice guys are the opposite. The work hard, expect too much to be honest.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
Personally I think he's an idiot. Ive seen women back in Africa waa gaajo. They remind of leeches that suck blood. Like this guy you mentioned ones they get money/ documents and the guy isn't needed. They will start humping the first man that even acknowledges them.

But unfortunatly it mainly nice guys that fall for this. An Alpha tends to be the abuser/ the user/ the shot caller. Majority of the time they've got multiple baby mothers.

Whereas nice guys are the opposite. The work hard, expect too much to be honest.

Yes, i told my cousin u are an idiot. She hates me because i used to criticize her openly. Last time i saw her, She kicked me out of her home for just looking at her up & down with my eyes without speaking.

I know of a really good brother who's been on a date recently. It went left, he came of too desperate. Smh

He let the xalimo know on a second date that he was perusing marraige. She hasn't answered his calls since and it's been like 3 days since their last date.

The guy is 28, good looking (no homo) , but he has literally 0 experience on dating. What tips would you advice for someone like this on finding a suitable spouse and not too waste their time with girls who are not serious. (s)


On the second date it's too early to ask her or tell her anything about marriage.

If I was the girl and someone asked me on second date that he was pursuing a marriage even if I'm into him I wouldn't answer his calls.
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