Do half Somalis in the West marry back into Somalis?

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Do adult half Somalis in the West marry back into Somalis or do they generally leave the Somali community and become accultured nobodies? Since most half Somalis are quite young we don't know the stats on this, but any Suugo guesses are good enough.
That is what I meant. Do most of them do that or do they leave the Somali community and further dilute themselves?
The ones I noticed going back are middle aged men not getting malab from their old wife. The young somalis marry with other diaspora somalis


The ones I noticed going back are middle aged men not getting malab from their old wife. The young somalis marry with other diaspora somalis

I am talking about half Somalis as in mixed race, not diaspora full Somalis. I haven't seen many middle-aged half Somalis.
I know one.

So you think most of them leave the Somali community?

Yes. Is the one you know mixed with Yemeni or Oromo? Cause that doesn't count. I doubt there's even a single case of European-Somali mix from a functional household (i.e. both parents present) that's married to a full blooded Somali.


Yes. Is the one you know mixed with Yemeni or Oromo? Cause that doesn't count. I doubt there's even a single case of European-Somali mix from a functional household (i.e. both parents present) that's married to a full blooded Somali.

That one is half German and is in his 30s. However, his father is Somali, so he raised him speaking Somali and with Somali culture.

The ones raised by Xalimos generally don't have Somali culture.


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
Most get lost in the sea of whiteness. :yacadiim: Rest in peace dude or dudette. The exotic last name is all that may remain.

However, I did come across this Somali girl with a Ph.D. married to a half Somali.

So there is a segment that marries back within, particularly if they have a Somali father and/or with more of a cultural/religious orientation. However, there isn't much keeping them entirely tied to Somalis. They are essentially free agents. I suppose it all comes down to self-identity. I would imagine it would be hard for them to find another half Somali like themselves with which to get to know and relate to (experientially), so they marry whoever they like.


Most get lost in the sea of whiteness. :yacadiim: Rest in peace dude or dudette. The exotic last name is all that may remain.

However, I did come across this Somali girl with a Ph.D. married to a half Somali.

So there is a segment that marries back within, particularly if they have a Somali father and/or with more of a cultural/religious orientation. However, there isn't much keeping them entirely tied to Somalis. They are essentially free agents. I suppose it all comes down to self-identity. I would imagine it would be hard for them to find another half Somali like themselves with which to get to know and relate to (experientially), so they marry whoever they like.

On 23andMe I have one distant cousin who is only 12.5% Somali and 87.5% Northwest European (most likely White American) and he is in his 40s. Also, one Argentinian woman who is around 7% Somali but with high Italian. WTF.. :mjlol:


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
That one is half German and is in his 30s. However, his father is Somali, so he raised him speaking Somali and with Somali culture.

The ones raised by Xalimos generally don't have Somali culture.

It depends. I knew a Somali woman married to a Professor that studied East African languages. All her children spoke Somali, had Somali names and even her cadaan grandchildren speak Somali. :siilaanyolaugh:She is Christian so more of the exception rather than the norm.
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~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
On 23andMe I have one distant cousin who is only 12.5% Somali and 87.5% Northwest European (most likely White American) and he is in his 40s. Also, one Argentinian woman who is around 7% Somali but with high Italian. WTF.. :mjlol:

:siilaanyolaugh: They got lost at sea and never returned. As I expected, I wonder if you could use the long lost relative card.
On 23andMe I have one distant cousin who is only 12.5% Somali and 87.5% Northwest European (most likely White American) and he is in his 40s. Also, one Argentinian woman who is around 7% Somali but with high Italian. WTF.. :mjlol:
Were your ancestors traders from the PL coast?


Were your ancestors traders from the PL coast?


She could be mixed with a Mogadishu Hawiye who has ancestors from Mudug. The most likely explanation for that Italian-Argentian woman.

23andMe can trace back up to 8 to 10 generations.
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