Discourse in Somali?

There are two words I could think of:
a) Jarabutayn: a compound word of:
i) 'jare' - a game similar to chess, with stones being used, nomads play to pass times, and
ii) 'butayn' - which I trust, but uncertain, is the action of moving stones, and dropping them in the sand.

b) Fagaare-doodeed: a compound word of:
i) Fagaare - public, and
ii) Dood - debate.

I prefer (a).
I am still looking for a way to shorten the word fagaare-doodeed. It is too long. But it is the best word that means discourse. We do not need to explained the definition. It explains itself.

In sentence:

The political discourse during the election campaign focused on key issues such as healthcare, education, and economic inequality.

Fagaare-doodeedka siyaasada inta lagu guda jiro ololaha doorashada ayaa diiradda lagu saaray arrimo muhiim ah sida daryeelka caafimaadka, waxbarashada, iyo sinnaan la'aanta dhaqaalaha.

Jarabutaynka siyaasada inta lagu guda jiro ololaha doorashada ayaa diiradda lagu saaray arrimo muhiim ah sida daryeelka caafimaadka, waxbarashada, iyo sinnaan la'aanta dhaqaalaha.

Jaredooda siyaasada inta lagu guda jiro ololaha doorashada ayaa diiradda lagu saaray arrimo muhiim ah sida daryeelka caafimaadka, waxbarashada, iyo sinnaan la'aanta dhaqaalaha.


i found the word doodwadaag. I have seen people use it from Sntv to universal tv.
More sentence:

akaadeemiyada ee ku xeeran isbeddelka cimiladu waxa uu kobcay sannadihii la soo dhaafay markii natiijooyin cusub oo cilmi-baaris iyo aragtiyo soo if baxeen.

The academic discourse surrounding climate change has evolved over the years as new research findings and perspectives have emerged.

Fagaare-doodeedka labada hogaamiye siyaasadeed ayaa noqotay mid xamaasad leh kadib markii ay dhaliilo iyo eedaymo is dhaafsadeen intii ay doodu ka socotay telefishinka.

The discourse between the two political leaders became increasingly heated as they exchanged sharp criticisms and accusations during the televised debate.
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