Did you know that Turks are from Northeast Asia?

Turks have existed for thousands of years beyond Ghenghis Khan. The Hongshan culture in Manchuria was likely Turkic. It was one of the principal cultures that contributed to the formation of Chinese civilization. In fact it's the first instance of Feng-Shui being used. Most of them were likely incorporated into the Han while some went into Mongolia and beyond as nomads. Btw the Ashina dynasty of the Gokturks were Saka (scyhtian) in origin.

Mongols aren't part of the Turkic race. Its the other way around. Turks are part of the Mongoloid race.And share close origins with Mongols, Koreans, Manchus, Japanese.
Interesting. Not many people know that tho. They assume Türk is like Anatolian Turk when they are indhoyar like their cousins in Korea, Mongolia and China.
Btw I think Türk predates Mongol tribe because Prophet muhammed used the term “Atraak” to all nomads from the North
I don't care where they came from, I love kebab!!!!
Sorry real Turks don’t eat kebab. They eat meat and drink fermented horse milk and live in cold steppes. These kebab eating Guys are in reality Anatolians and Greeks who adopted the Turkish language
Interesting. Not many people know that tho. They assume Türk is like Anatolian Turk when they are indhoyar like their cousins in Korea, Mongolia and China.
Btw I think Türk predates Mongol tribe because Prophet muhammed used the term “Atraak” to all nomads from the North
The term "Turk" has nothing to do with the rasulillah. It's either an old term for themselves.
The term "Turk" has nothing to do with the rasulillah. It's either an old term for themselves.
You don’t understand what I am trying to tell you. I am saying the Prophet pre warned the Muslims of calamity of apocalyptic proportions. He said the hour (judgement day ) would not appear until you fight the Turks . He said people with reddish flat faces and small eyes and who wear animal skin on their feet(boots). All the tribes of the North be it Mongol, Turk, Manchus, Khitan etc fit that description. So perhaps a “Turk” is the common name for both Mongols and Turks and that the term Turk predates Mongol

real Turks

Wannabe Turks

You don’t understand what I am trying to tell you. I am saying the Prophet pre warned the Muslims of calamity of apocalyptic proportions. He said the hour (judgement day ) would not appear until you fight the Turks . He said people with reddish flat faces and small eyes and who wear animal skin on their feet(boots). All the tribes of the North be it Mongol, Turk, Manchus, Khitan etc fit that description. So perhaps a “Turk” is the common name for both Mongols and Turks and that the term Turk predates Mongol
I know of the hadiths. But the word Turk didn't originate from Muhammad. It's what they called themselves.

