DEG DEG : Intelligence chiefs extradited ONLF without Farmaajos permission

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It was always about qabil, dear brother. The same people who for years have been: laughing, mocking, slandering, insulting, and lying about Ogaden people. Calling them, 'slaves' and them being under, 'gomaysi', and how Ogadens, have rolled into Kismayo and the Jubbas atop Kenyan tanks, now they suddenly feel, immense pain and sorrow for this OG man, and his clans struggle against amXAARS

Its all bullcrap. @Inquisitive_ and his ilk, don't give two f*cks about this great man, nor his clan. This is just an excuse they have and use to go against Farmajo.

Over the past five years ( especially in the last two years) I've learned a heck of a lot about Somali politics and the clan dynamics of it all. Its well known that MJ and Abgaal have been allies, although that has changed with HSM presidency, and on the opposite of that, both Marehan and Habr Gedir have also been strong allies; it was a joint Marehan-HG force that drove Morgan out of Kismayo, thus ending Kablallax rule in the region. Now with Farmajo's elected President, two out of the three main Hawiyes clans were, over the moon: Marusade and HG. Abgaal was understandably, feeling under the weather due to losing presidency. Marusade were pleased that they've been made PM, and they've sure made the most of it, empowering themselves greatly. HG on the otherhand, were thinking that with a Marehan man as President, a man who previously had bad relations with PL, he was gonna be their man, in their plans to bring down PL. But, boy oh boy, the reality was far beyond their wildest expectations.
The actions and lack of, of Farmajo that greatly angered and upset HAG:
  • He went and gave, the usual HG post of, Interior Minister, to a Puntlander, and other ministerial/governmental posts and positions to Puntlanders.
  • Hasn't supported and declared Galnus's claim on Galkacyo and north Mudug lawfully, theirs. He hasn't been a supporter of Galnus, by not giving them a thing ( in the form of weapons)
  • Hasn't declared Jubbaland State illegal and unconstitutional, something HAG has been screaming for the past four years. And not on the sligh, give arms to Marehans and HG to again try the tag team of 2001.
  • And lastly, hasn't whatsoever, said a word or done anything against Puntland and it's interests. This is, along with giving a PLer the Interior ministry, what broke the camels back. Farmajo didn't say a word about the DP Worlds Bosaso port deal, he critized and talked about the Berbera deal, and he also didn't criticise PL on it's supports for the Saudi-UAE block.
These are the real reasons why they are now soo vehemently against Farmajo, a man they were welcoming and loving like he was the second coming of Christ. They don't give a rats arse about this former Somali Army hero and now freedom fighter, they don't give a rats arse about Ogaden, and the fitna they have gone and are going through. They think they're slick, you're not slick in the least bit, saxiib'yall, i can see and smell through ya bullshite from a a mile off.

This is one thing I find strange he betrayed his base and the marehan who are the least Qabiil clan after the sheikal for what ?

This falls squarely on his shoulders and these pathetic attempts to shift blame and avoid responsibility won't work.

Keep drinking the kool-aid folks because your golden boy is a fraud.

Fraudmaajo has taken a big credibility hit with a lot of folks across tribal lines who genuinely believed in him.

Now only his ardent tribal supporters who would've supported him regardless of what he did are left.

The disgusting honeymoon period is officially over, and I for one couldn't be happier!

Cotton Eyed Joe

More law, less justice.
It was always about qabil, dear brother. The same people who for years have been: laughing, mocking, slandering, insulting, and lying about Ogaden people. Calling them, 'slaves' and them being under, 'gomaysi', and how Ogadens, have rolled into Kismayo and the Jubbas atop Kenyan tanks, now they suddenly feel, immense pain and sorrow for this OG man, and his clans struggle against amXAARS

Its all bullcrap. @Inquisitive_ and his ilk, don't give two f*cks about this great man, nor his clan. This is just an excuse they have and use to go against Farmajo.

Over the past five years ( especially in the last two years) I've learned a heck of a lot about Somali politics and the clan dynamics of it all. Its well known that MJ and Abgaal have been allies, although that has changed with HSM presidency, and on the opposite of that, both Marehan and Habr Gedir have also been strong allies; it was a joint Marehan-HG force that drove Morgan out of Kismayo, thus ending Kablallax rule in the region. Now with Farmajo's elected President, two out of the three main Hawiyes clans were, over the moon: Marusade and HG. Abgaal was understandably, feeling under the weather due to losing presidency. Marusade were pleased that they've been made PM, and they've sure made the most of it, empowering themselves greatly. HG on the otherhand, were thinking that with a Marehan man as President, a man who previously had bad relations with PL, he was gonna be their man, in their plans to bring down PL. But, boy oh boy, the reality was far beyond their wildest expectations.
The actions and lack of, of Farmajo that greatly angered and upset HAG:
  • He went and gave, the usual HG post of, Interior Minister, to a Puntlander, and other ministerial/governmental posts and positions to Puntlanders.
  • Hasn't supported and declared Galnus's claim on Galkacyo and north Mudug lawfully, theirs. He hasn't been a supporter of Galnus, by not giving them a thing ( in the form of weapons)
  • Hasn't declared Jubbaland State illegal and unconstitutional, something HAG has been screaming for the past four years. And not on the sligh, give arms to Marehans and HG to again try the tag team of 2001.
  • And lastly, hasn't whatsoever, said a word or done anything against Puntland and it's interests. This is, along with giving a PLer the Interior ministry, what broke the camels back. Farmajo didn't say a word about the DP Worlds Bosaso port deal, he critized and talked about the Berbera deal, and he also didn't criticise PL on it's supports for the Saudi-UAE block.
These are the real reasons why they are now soo vehemently against Farmajo, a man they were welcoming and loving like he was the second coming of Christ. They don't give a rats arse about this former Somali Army hero and now freedom fighter, they don't give a rats arse about Ogaden, and the fitna they have gone and are going through. They think they're slick, you're not slick in the least bit, saxiib'yall, i can see and smell through ya bullshite from a a mile off.
A masterpiece right here :qri8gs7:
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