Damning report on Somali Development

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Somali men and women have always shared crop- related responsibilites, especially in subsistence farming, where women provide more than 60 percent of labor. :damn: They know everything

Don't change the subject, @DalJecel has to much somali love but cant he explain the benefit of giving an isaaq money who then invests into khat and his mouth and the tangible net productivity gained through such thing for the wider economy other then perpertual poverty. He also refuses to answer why QAAD-DIID could operate everywhere in Somalia on his mission and crusade except hargeisa? only logical answer is the qaad problem isn't massive in somalia like hargeisa and hence his safety wouldn't be jepordized.


Somaliland patriot
You don't get it bro, it doesn't matter if you bring all america's wealth to somaliland it won't change much as the people will exchange everything they get to drugs which goes into their mouth only. No forward thinking at all, no investment ideas, no business generation, that's how economies grow. Your economy is put money in one hand it goes to the khat in the other hand which produces no tangible net productivity increase but decreases only. But if you took the money ur given and put it into something else that generates a net productivity and all your people did that you start to rise out of poverty but it simply won't happen. Somaliland is a lost cause only clan pride holds it together not economic rationality.
It seem you are living in a parallel universe where Puntland has enough money to pay for their soldiers and civil servants.A parallel universe where Puntland finally collects tax to fund their projects.You can spew your nonsense all day.But without any evidence nor sources to your claims it will only just remain nonsense.

Your doomed to poverty, heck have you ever seen somalilanders ever coming out and cleaning their streets? booli qaran to the core and that is clear indications they the people are useless. It doesn't matter if you have 10 billionaires, they won't build an economy as they buy enough just for themselves, while the people live in squalid conditions. Your 10 billionaires are clearly outmatched by every puntlander who has a good sized wallet plus billionaires of their own.
List the names of your so called billionairs and their companies.

We have our local hero qaad-diid. Puntlanders always leading in some way or another through-out history and today. We bring Change in everything. FGM ended in Puntland. Federalism Started. SYL started. Qaad wars started. Sultanates started

Then why don't you bring peace and stability in your capital city xamar instead of letting foreign troops lazy around and collect easy pay check? Why don't you protect your MJ brothers and sister in Jubbaland right now from kenyan aggression? Why don't you do the simple act of paying for your soldiers and civil servants?
Imagine what Hargeysa would be with Independence. Itd be Something else.
You could acquire Independence with thr Support of DDSi putting pressure om Ethiopia.
NFD putting pressure on Kenya
PL and JL pressuring Somalia.
And Daarood would support an independent Somaliland if Somaliland stopped claiming Daarood land.
I for sure would support a independent Somaliland
A dream scenerio indeed.But conflict will continue because that so called Darood land is also inhabited by Isaaq.We respect international borders to maintain peace,stability and a sense of unity as a country.Otherwise what could stop us from claiming so called Isaaq land all over and starting a war with Ethiopia.


It seem you are living in a parallel universe where Puntland has enough money to pay for their soldiers and civil servants.A parallel universe where Puntland finally collects tax to fund their projects.You can spew your nonsense all day.But without any evidence nor sources to your claims it will only just remain nonsense.

List the names of your so called billionairs and their companies.

Then why don't you bring peace and stability in your capital city xamar instead of letting foreign troops lazy around and collect easy pay check? Why don't you protect your MJ brothers and sister in Jubbaland right now from kenyan aggression? Why don't you do the simple act of paying for your soldiers and civil servants?

A dream scenerio indeed.But conflict will continue because that so called Darood land is also inhabited by Isaaq.We respect international borders to maintain peace,stability and a sense of unity as a country.Otherwise what could stop us from claiming so called Isaaq land all over and starting a war with Ethiopia.

At the end of the day we can be in conflict all day long in Somalia but we are far more productive then you, who gets money and invests into khat a negative net productivity, your stuck where you are regardless of how peaceful you are, you will always remain in a net productivity zone of negatives for the rest of your lives. That scenario isn't there for us, just deal with it. Khat-diid couldnt' operate in hargeisa due to the whole city chewing, where-as he could in Somalia as it isn't a big problem at all.

Somalia scale is good to bad. Your somaliland scale is bad to worse. If u lose peace u go to bad just like Somalia but if u get peace u stay at the scale as bad always but not worse cause no peace is worse . Where-as the scale for Somalia is good if they get peace and bad if they don't there is no scale here from bad to worse as we don't have net productivity loss due to khat problem like hargeisa does. Basically in short if u get peace ur poor, if we get peace were rich. If we get war were poor, if you get war your even WORSE OFF. It's just the facts regardless how peaceful somaliland is you will always be poor due to your people drug habit who invest any money they get into something that leaves no benefits in terms of investment, property, or economic growth. Don't blame Somalia for your fuckin problems waryaa, why you blaming us we arent putting khat in your peoples mouth. The khat in your peoples mouth wont change by focusing on Somalia. Stop deflecting get your own QAAD-DIID that's if he dont get killed lol.
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Somaliland patriot
At the end of the day we can be in conflict all day long in Somalia but we are far more productive then you, who gets money and invests into khat a negative net productivity, your stuck where you are regardless of how peaceful you are, you will always remain in a net productivity zone of negatives for the rest of your lives. That scenario isn't there for us, just deal with it. Khat-diid couldnt' operate in hargeisa due to the whole city chewing, where-as he could in Somalia as it isn't a big problem at all.
It seems you are truly allergic to answering questions asked or providing any evidence nor sources to your outlandish nonsense claims.

Productivity is shown by how you can generate revenue and collect tax.Neither of which Puntland does.You are even struggling to pay for your soldiers and civil servants.While Somaliland pays for both their 10 times larger army and 5 times as big of a civil servants pool on time.

Somaliland also has major companies such as Coca Cola, which has partnered with a local business to open a $17 million worth of bottling plant outside Hargeisa, employing 100+ local people which Puntland could only dream of.

The lounges of Hargeisa’s hotels are fast becoming a melting pot for investors, eyeing opportunities in emerging sectors with potential for growth, such as logistics, fisheries, agriculture and infrastructure, particularly renewable energy, roads, railways, airports and hospitals. Resources companies are conducting exploratory work across Somaliland, testing for evidence of the oil, gas and abundance of minerals that are believed to exist below the surface of our land and beyond our coastline.

DP World is just but one of an increasing number of multinational companies viewing Somaliland as a secure and stable location through which to access the east African market.We aren't just standing around waiting like Somalia.We are gathering resources and moving forward.

How you can claim that our productivity is less than yours which is struggling with payments,terrorists,corrupt officials loyal to foreign countries and foreign troops from dozens of different nations on your soil is beyond me.


It seems you are truly allergic to answering questions asked or providing any evidence nor sources to your outlandish nonsense claims.

Productivity is shown by how you can generate revenue and collect tax.Neither of which Puntland does.You are even struggling to pay for your soldiers and civil servants.While Somaliland pays for both their 10 times larger army and 5 times as big of a civil servants pool on time.

Somaliland also has major companies such as Coca Cola, which has partnered with a local business to open a $17 million worth of bottling plant outside Hargeisa, employing 100+ local people which Puntland could only dream of.

The lounges of Hargeisa’s hotels are fast becoming a melting pot for investors, eyeing opportunities in emerging sectors with potential for growth, such as logistics, fisheries, agriculture and infrastructure, particularly renewable energy, roads, railways, airports and hospitals. Resources companies are conducting exploratory work across Somaliland, testing for evidence of the oil, gas and abundance of minerals that are believed to exist below the surface of our land and beyond our coastline.

DP World is just but one of an increasing number of multinational companies viewing Somaliland as a secure and stable location through which to access the east African market.We aren't just standing around waiting like Somalia.We are gathering resources and moving forward.

How you can claim that our productivity is less than yours which is struggling with payments,terrorists,corrupt officials loyal to foreign countries and foreign troops from dozens of different nations on your soil is beyond me.

There is nothing to respond to this as it's looks like something out of a somaliland advertisement agency. I am talking rationality and economic principles, your responding with advertisement. Pretty much said and done. Somaliland scale is bad to worse. It's bad if they get peace as any money a worker in somaliland gets such as coca cola factory employee just reinvests the money into khat which has no net productivity and in-fact has negative productivity such as health, it's like burnt money bro. And it's worse if they lose peace. Somalia scale is good to bad, it's bad if they dont get peace but its good if they do as khat isn't a major problem such as somaliland and the proof for that is khat diid could actually operate there where-as he couldnt in somaliland.

Done responding to you brother, I can't respond to advertisements that isn't economic principles. The people can decide which they prefer your somaliland advertisement vs economic principles and laws. I suggest u invest in a qaad-diid to rise up or else invest and give somalilander jobs and let them burn that money into drugs which provides no positive knock on effect. Your chasing the tail-end of poverty cycle forever. Good luck, Somalia looks very promising for any true investor.

You need this Majerten Boy in Hargeisa or it's over anything u lay down burns. Always follow the majerten true pioneers in each field. I am going to pioneer self focus in somalia rather then external blaming schools. Piece of advice bro I think your young but Somalis know the truth. If you see a Majerten doing something, FIND OUT cause there is a huge reason behind it and will be the new orange is black in the nation.

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@Zero see if you sat down and learned from Majertens you wouldn't need to come up with stupid advertisement responses. If you sat down and listened to Khat diid you would know the benefits his providing rather then ignoring him due to his clan while you stay with your clan pride and just keep chasing the tail end of poverty cycle network of invest, worker takes money and reinvests into death drugs lol.

You would take heed to call of Dr Osman and his self help approach rather then blaming hy you cant get along with others which you been doing for decades, it time to go back to yourself and ask how do I change my approach to achieve a better result, rather then heading the same old beaten tracks you have been for decades with no results. You would listen to the Federalist and their wisdom behind such policy and the political negatives of secessionism. You would listen to SYL and why they created independence network. You would listen, listen, listen and become wiser politically through majerten, individually thru self help, and economically through our GIANTS. But u refuse to and choose clan pride and remain in that perpertual cycle of failure and then vent out AT SOMALIS.


Somaliland patriot
There is nothing to respond to this as it's looks like something out of a somaliland advertisement agency. I am talking rationality and economic principles, your responding with advertisement. Pretty much said and done. Somaliland scale is bad to worse. It's bad if they get peace as any money a worker in somaliland gets such as coca cola factory employee just reinvests the money into khat which has no net productivity and in-fact has negative productivity such as health, it's like burnt money bro. And it's worse if they lose peace. Somalia scale is good to bad, it's bad if they dont get peace but its good if they do as khat isn't a major problem such as somaliland and the proof for that is khat diid could actually operate there where-as he couldnt in somaliland.

Done responding to you brother, I can't respond to advertisements that isn't economic principles. The people can decide which they prefer your somaliland advertisement vs economic principles and laws.
First and foremost,you said "Puntlanders always leading in some way or another through-out history"
And I asked "Then why don't you bring peace and stability in your capital city xamar instead of letting foreign troops lazy around and collect easy pay check? Why don't you protect your MJ brothers and sister in Jubbaland right now from kenyan aggression? Why don't you do the simple act of paying for your soldiers and civil servants?" So please don't dance around it and answer me please.

Second,do you even read what you post? "reinvests the money into khat which has no net productivity and in-fact has negative productivity such as health, it's like burnt money bro."WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? How can you write that sentence while fully awake?

Never mind.Lets continue.You talk about productivity from a completely wrong angle.Productivity is shown by how you attract investments,by how you can generate revenue and collect tax.Neither of which Puntland does.You are even struggling to pay for your soldiers and civil servants.While Somaliland pays for both their 10 times larger army and 5 times as big of a civil servants pool on time.

We go after investment like there is no tomorrow.Its no advertisment that the lounges of Hargeisa’s hotels are becoming a melting pot for investors because even Darood businessmen invest in them.Its no secret.Neither are the emerging sectors with potential for growth.Somaliland has not seen such a time before were investments are coming like rainfall.

Economic principles of what? Economic investments are about what is attractive about your nation and how likely you are too see high returns.Somaliland has sectors such as logistics, fisheries, agriculture and infrastructure,renewable energy, roads, railways, airports and hospitals which have a potential for growth.MOST PEOPLE INVEST IN ONE OF THESE.

Our economy has some major companies and small businessses either partnered up with locals or started by locals.Khat is a business like any other and its a very lucrative one which brings in millions of dollars every year for Somaliland.

Our goverment can collects tax,because we have these companies and small businesses.I wish I could say the same about Puntland.

@Zero see if you sat down and learned from Majertens you wouldn't need to come up with stupid advertisement responses. If you sat down and listened to Khat diid you would know the benefits his providing rather then ignoring him due to his clan while you stay with your clan pride and just keep chasing the tail end of poverty cycle network of invest, worker takes money and reinvests into death drugs lol.

You would take heed to call of Dr Osman and his self help approach rather then blaming hy you cant get along with others which you been doing for decades, it time to go back to yourself and ask how do I change my approach to achieve a better result, rather then heading the same old beaten tracks you have been for decades with no results. You would listen to the Federalist and their wisdom behind such policy and the political negatives of secessionism. You would listen to SYL and why they created independence network. You would listen, listen, listen and become wiser politically through majerten, individually thru self help, and economically through our GIANTS. But u refuse to and choose clan pride and remain in that perpertual cycle of failure and then vent out AT SOMALIS.
What is there to learn? How to not pay for your soldiers? How to not pay for your civil servants? How to not collect tax?No thanks.Somaliland is just doing fine.We can still afford to pay for both our 10 times larger army and 5 times as big of a civil servants pool on time.

You are a living evidence that shows Puntland's education sytem fails.How you manage to put so much nonsense within one sentence baffles me.


First and foremost,you said "Puntlanders always leading in some way or another through-out history"
And I asked "Then why don't you bring peace and stability in your capital city xamar instead of letting foreign troops lazy around and collect easy pay check? Why don't you protect your MJ brothers and sister in Jubbaland right now from kenyan aggression? Why don't you do the simple act of paying for your soldiers and civil servants?" So please don't dance around it and answer me please.

Second,do you even read what you post? "reinvests the money into khat which has no net productivity and in-fact has negative productivity such as health, it's like burnt money bro."WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? How can you write that sentence while fully awake?

Never mind.Lets continue.You talk about productivity from a completely wrong angle.Productivity is shown by how you attract investments,by how you can generate revenue and collect tax.Neither of which Puntland does.You are even struggling to pay for your soldiers and civil servants.While Somaliland pays for both their 10 times larger army and 5 times as big of a civil servants pool on time.

We go after investment like there is no tomorrow.Its no advertisment that the lounges of Hargeisa’s hotels are becoming a melting pot for investors because even Darood businessmen invest in them.Its no secret.Neither are the emerging sectors with potential for growth.Somaliland has not seen such a time before were investments are coming like rainfall.

Economic principles of what? Economic investments are about what is attractive about your nation and how likely you are too see high returns.Somaliland has sectors such as logistics, fisheries, agriculture and infrastructure,renewable energy, roads, railways, airports and hospitals which have a potential for growth.MOST PEOPLE INVEST IN ONE OF THESE.

Our economy has some major companies and small businessses either partnered up with locals or started by locals.Khat is a business like any other and its a very lucrative one which brings in millions of dollars every year for Somaliland.

Our goverment can collects tax,because we have these companies and small businesses.I wish I could say the same about Puntland.

What is there to learn? How to not pay for your soldiers? How to not pay for your civil servants? How to not collect tax?No thanks.Somaliland is just doing fine.We can still afford to pay for both our 10 times larger army and 5 times as big of a civil servants pool on time.

You are a living evidence that shows Puntland's education sytem fails.How you manage to put so much nonsense within one sentence baffles me.

There is no response to this as you fail to grasp economic principles. If we built 1000 factories today in Somaliland, it is pointless as all their money will go to khat chewing which has no benefit to the wider economy, it won't create other jobs as a knock on effect, it's essentially a dead investment.

The other businesses who want to come will just say what's the point as all the money these drug addicts have goes to khat anyways, it won't go to any new business sector, hence it's not an investors paradise because the human development index is shockingly low and it's due to the high rates of drug addiction. Investment requires high human development to exist there and that means your time is assessed to compare what you do in a day and what you produce and if all you do is say work all day and then re-invest that into khat, no other possible sector will flourish as their will be no demand at all as all the money goes to drugs and not spread out through the economy.

I am not sure why you don't understand this? Collecting taxes and budgets of govt are supposed to be slim not high, you don't want to overburden your non-existing private sector any further by introducing high taxes on top of high energy costs and a low human capital pool who are drugged out. So on top of your already terrible environment on the ground you got bad govt policies on top of that not to mention the lack of legal framework that is reliable and not corruptible and no insurance on assets and unstable govt who can change with a small payment and kick investors out. The environment is simply not THERE for investment, the only people who invest are somali and it's due to CLAN PRIDE or people who have Isaaq wives. Most foreigners operate in Mog or Bosaso as we have plenty of arabs, bengalis, pakis, opening up businesses in Bosaso and it's the same for Mog especially turkish. Just get outta of here sxb, your people can't even clean their streets as volunteers to show some indications their not just welfare collectors from the diaspora remittance and drug addicts.

Somaliland will never boom, I tell you that and mark the DR words carefully because I don't say shit for nothing.
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This clown thinks business men come and look at other billionaires and try to make money from them as customers. Your fuckin insane sxb and lack simple economic principles. Billionaires exist cause they make money from the public which is the general people not from other billionaires. A business will look at your shitty environment with high energy costs, drugged out workforce who reinvest all their money into drugs and not other things, shitty govt that is unreliable and legal frameworks that are buyable and say war naga tag I aint risking my dime on there and even if I do it's not like I'll get rich any time soon cause them niggas spending all their money on drugs and getting high. Bang you never grow that's why that place will stay with Isaaq investors forever which is good let them KILL THEIR MONEY and become a powerless business class in the future, their doing us a FAVOR.

Wax nool ayaa la nooleeya, wax dhintay lama nooleeyo. You can put more life into someone who is already alive, you can't put life into someone who is clearly in the intensive unit. Puntland may not have the best govt, but it has the best people waa DAD NOOL jeclow ama ha jeclan. They get off their asses and do shit for themselves, that's a good base to work from. It's easier changing a bad govt culture as it's only the top end then a people fucked up culturally which is the bottom end and majority in the land. Invest in Puntland where there is REAL people who do 'ISKAGA WAX UU GABSO' which is also picking up in Mogadishu lately. NOT HARGEISA as the people are drugged out!!!

Anyone givin this druggie isaaq any props will get a huge KARBASH from the osman maxamud general on SPOT. No isaaq can hold it down in Puntland especially in that bari region full of osman maxamud, they all leave humbled like gamadiid he got schooled in gabays and tarikh, as I school on politics and economics...I hope @draco or @Idil-Beydaan @CangeeroBear @Inquisitive_ @Naissur @Basra @Saalax Bidaar @Bidaar Wanagsan and the general gang don't see the doctor when he spitting that wild str8 out of bari venom. Very few venture to the land of puntland from other regions. I remember seeing the sultan of isaaq there and the look on his face said it all, totally humbled. Salad ali jeele just cant stop laughing as he has no response. Qaybdiid hates venturing there and knows what awaits him. Very few brave souls head to eastern somalia VERY FEWWWWWWWWWWWWW and the few who do I GIVE MAD RESPECT they showed BALLS.
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Somaliland patriot
There is no response to this as you fail to grasp economic principles. If we built 1000 factories today in Somaliland, it is pointless as all their money will go to khat chewing which has no benefit to the wider economy, it won't create other jobs as a knock on effect, it's essentially a dead investment.
What economical principles are you even talking about? You are throwing around all kinds nonsense together as an answer which lacks any form of substance.I honestly feel embarrassment when I read your repetitive nonsense.

Khat is but one of many different sectors.Almost 30% of our GDP is derived from the livestock industry followed by 20% from wholesale and retail trade (including the informal sector), 8% from crops and 6% from real estate activities.You keep putting emphasis on a moot point.

Khat isn't as prevalent as you think.As proven by how more investments came in the last two years and all of them were in sectors such as logistics, fisheries, agriculture and infrastructure.
The other businesses who want to come will just say what's the point as all the money these drug addicts have goes to khat anyways, it won't go to any new business sector, hence it's not an investors paradise because the human development index is shockingly low and it's due to the high rates of drug addiction. Investment requires high human development to exist there and that means your time is assessed to compare what you do in a day and what you produce and if all you do is say work all day and then re-invest that into khat, no other possible sector will flourish as their will be no demand at all as all the money goes to drugs and not spread out through the economy.
Businesses come to Somaliland because we aren't corrupt.Our transparency managed to attract international companies such as Coca Cola and DP World.These companies took a risk investing in Somaliland because they expect high returns on their investments.Somaliland is the way to access the east African market.With Ethiopia slowly becoming a manufacturing power and us being their primary port to import and export,it seems like the investments will just keep coming in much needed sectors that lacked the funds to fully develop.

Again,add sources to your outlandish claims.Can you show me data that suggests all the investments in our economy go to khat? Ofcourse you can't.No economy functions that way.
I am not sure why you don't understand this? Collecting taxes and budgets of govt are supposed to be slim not high, you don't want to overburden your non-existing private sector any further by introducing high taxes on top of high energy costs and a low human capital pool who are drugged out. So on top of your already terrible environment on the ground you got bad govt policies on top of that not to mention the lack of legal framework that is reliable and not corruptible and no insurance on assets and unstable govt who can change with a small payment and kick investors out. The environment is simply not THERE for investment, the only people who invest are somali and it's due to CLAN PRIDE or people who have Isaaq wives.
What is your point? I didn't ask whether Puntland should collect high tax or not.What I asked was why don't you collect any at all? A goverment needs the revenue raised from taxation to invest in development,fight poverty and provide public services in social and physical infrastructures needed to improve long term growth.How can Puntland achieve anything if they can't do the simple act of collecting tax?

Somalilands tax system is one in which company tax,capital gains tax, branch profits tax,value added tax,employment tax,local taxes,vehicle road tax,land rates rental income tax and single business permit all contribute towards the goverments funds.Its how we manage to pay our soldiers and civil servants on time each month.How we provide basic social services.Don't look down on taxation's impact on goverment funds.

If you want to learn the % of each tax collected in Somaliland check this out,maybe Puntland will learn a thing or two:https://www.pkf.com/publications/tax-guides/somaliland-tax-guide/

Most foreigners operate in Mog or Bosaso as we have plenty of arabs, bengalis, pakis, opening up businesses in Bosaso and it's the same for Mog especially turkish. Just get outta of here sxb, your people can't even clean their streets as volunteers to show some indications their not just welfare collectors from the diaspora remittance and drug addicts.
Mogadishu attracts a lot of illegal businesses and investors.Its a place were unsavoury characters such as warlords and al shabab make deals with foreigners looking to exploit them.Business is indeed flourishing xamar,but you have to ask yourself,who is really benefitting from it? It sure as hell isn't the local population since 400k of them starved to dead in the last 8 years.

No one in their right mind invests in Puntland(Bosaso) expecting any turns since the pirating industry died.That place is dusty and barren now.Also the second biggest project to be implemented in Puntland in the past 25 years and reported to cost 6 million,sponsored by the EU through Germany based organisation,GIZ was littered with corruption.
2016 source: https://www.garoweonline.com/en/new...s-eu-funded-road-project-marred-by-corruption

Who in their right mind would invest in such a huge project again from a goverment that is untrustworthy and volatile? That is why you got that Italian mafia guy from P&O Heritage instead of DP World.
Somaliland will never boom, I tell you that and mark the DR words carefully because I don't say shit for nothing.
You said nothing but shit in every one of your posts.Your sentences had no structure nor proper grammar.It was like I was deciphering some alien language when reading what you wrote.You dance around questions asked and use one to many straw man arguments.You don't provide any evidence nor sources to your outlandish nonsense claims either.

Anyways,with the DP World port and military base deal done and monopolizing a huge share of Ethiopia's exports and imports,the future of Somaliland is a bright one.We will become the Dubai of the horn in a decade or 2.Mark my words or the words of any expert that claim SL will be the way to acces the east African market if they play their cards right.Which we will as the most democratic and business friendly(no corruption) country in the horn.
It seem you are living in a parallel universe where Puntland has enough money to pay for their soldiers and civil servants.A parallel universe where Puntland finally collects tax to fund their projects.You can spew your nonsense all day.But without any evidence nor sources to your claims it will only just remain nonsense.

List the names of your so called billionairs and their companies.

Then why don't you bring peace and stability in your capital city xamar instead of letting foreign troops lazy around and collect easy pay check? Why don't you protect your MJ brothers and sister in Jubbaland right now from kenyan aggression? Why don't you do the simple act of paying for your soldiers and civil servants?

A dream scenerio indeed.But conflict will continue because that so called Darood land is also inhabited by Isaaq.We respect international borders to maintain peace,stability and a sense of unity as a country.Otherwise what could stop us from claiming so called Isaaq land all over and starting a war with Ethiopia.

Unfortunately we need amisom cause Somalis can't bring stability with their tribal minds. Before amisom a lot of land was entirely controlled by Al shabaab.
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