D&M community in Gedo want their seats transferred to kismayo

Rahaweyne minority community of Gedo region does not want there seats to be held hostage in a small village in Gedo region. Marehan only has 9 seats in Gedo region the rest belongs to Rahaweyne & minority communities.



“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
:hemad: :hemad: Has madoobe given up MX seats now he wants raxanweyn
The Native Ogaden community has already transferred all of their seats to kismayo since Gedo region is now under the occupation of Ethiopian military force. Next to follow is the Native Rahaweyne & Reer Guri Marehans.
:hemad: :hemad: Has madoobe given up MX seats now he wants raxanweyn

Reer Galgadud has refused to welcome Rooble’s Feit members who were prepared to land in Garbahareey today. Madoobe doesn’t need to do anything after all the clueless warlords in Gedo are playing right into his hands :lolbron:
:pachah1: Good Chess move by Rooble, now his Dir and Rahnweyne Friends like the Minister Carab will be elected MP in Kismaayo, and than the last 10 Marexaan MPs in Garbahaarey will be divided By Rooble and Madobe.



“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Reer Galgadud has refused to welcome Rooble’s Feit members who were prepared to land in Garbahareey today. Madoobe doesn’t need to do anything after all the clueless warlords in Gedo are playing right into his hands :lolbron:
As long as our seats remain you
can have them we are not laangaab :pachah1:


Ogaden victories in JL are effortless we dont make allies in the fgs by selling ourselves. Spend time in group chats making fantasy plans. Spam comment sections and forums with fake news.

Yet every day I just wake up and see another win on the news.


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Ogaden victories in JL are effortless we dont make allies in the fgs by selling ourselves. Spend time in group chats making fantasy plans. Spam comment sections and forums with fake news.

Yet every day I just wake up and see another win on the news.
How is a bunch of paid off odays a victory? 16 seats wont ever be moved it was Madoobe who set that precedent when he refused Sheekhaal to move their seat from Kismaayi too Garbaharray for Abdirahman Dheere.

These Raxanweyn seats arent going anywhere either all seats go to Kismayu or none, zero sum game :deadpeter:


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
As long as our seats remain you
can have them we are not laangaab :pachah1:
I take that back after listening to this Raxanweyne nabad doon Madoobe is a criminal who even they dont want, Wadiir Carab waa tuug



:pachah1: Good Chess move by Rooble, now his Dir and Rahnweyne Friends like the Minister Carab will be elected MP in Kismaayo, and than the last 10 Marexaan MPs in Garbahaarey will be divided By Rooble and Madobe.

Probably The 10 Mareexaan MPs will be elected in Mogadishu
I take that back after listening to this Raxanweyne nabad doon Madoobe is a criminal who even they dont want, Wadiir Carab waa tuug

this is what happens when an Eelaay thinks he’s a Marehan. Tell Isaaq Horoow to worry about his native hometown of Diinsoor. Not looking great for them under Alshabab’s economic siege :damedamn:

The district Admin, local soldiers, and Koonfur
Galbeed Tv reporters have all defected to Shabaab.


Non XL clans in Hiiraan have requested Rooble to move their seats to Jowhar they dont trust another clan Too manage their election without Guudlaawe. Now Rooble accepted to move their seats. Hiiraan is very diverse the 17 Non XL seats demand to be moved so the remaining 8 XL have lost the majority confidence good job Rooble :deadpeter:
@SPMLegend remember when @TekNiKo was making threads like this about Hiiraan only for his Gedo to be under threat

7 days left and the garbaharey seats dont look like they will be selected by deadline .
PM rooble and president madoobe need to accept the d&m & dir demands to move seats to kismayo , the rest of the seats can be selected after presidential (s)elections. These minority spoilers should not hold the country back .
In other news it looks like we are guaranteed to miss the 30% quota for female seats, I wonder how beesha lixaad will respond.


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
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7 days left and the garbaharey seats dont look like they will be selected by deadline .
PM rooble and president madoobe need to accept the d&m & dir demands to move seats to kismayo , the rest of the seats can be selected after presidential (s)elections. These minority spoilers should not hold the country back .
In other news it looks like we are guaranteed to miss the 30% quota for female seats, I wonder how beesha lixaad will respond.
You wish no seats will be moved its Madoobe whose hindering elections let him be labelled spoiler by govt :pachah1:
You wish no seats will be moved its Madoobe whose hindering elections let him be labelled spoiler by govt :pachah1:

Beesha lixaad spend 24 million to get this (s)elections rolling and only expected us to have a fair indirect selections on time with respect to the 30% female quota ,
We cant even do that .our donors are propably laughing at the 68%iq we've shown thus far.
We can all agree this has been the worst presidential selections with the cheese shouldering most of the blame.


Madoobe is still begging for the 16 seats in Garbaharey, that ship has sailed. He should count his blessing for the recognition he got as President of JL and the ability to boob the Kismaayo seats.

I think he is just paying off random odays to take attention away from the Kismaayo election, those seats are hot seats so anything to take attention away from them while he steals them, he knows Garbaharey is out of his control, he signed the papers and actually gave it up.

