Creatine and hair loss


Puntland republic 🇸🇱
I’ve been taking creatine lately 3grams per day and I’ve read some threads on different sites that creatine may contribute to hair loss and I’m wondering if any of you guys on here have tried creatine and experienced some side effects? I think creatine is very good and it helps me with the gym but if there is a chance of losing hair i may ditch it.
I’ve been taking creatine lately 3grams per day and I’ve read some threads on different sites that creatine may contribute to hair loss and I’m wondering if any of you guys on here have tried creatine and experienced some side effects? I think creatine is very good and it helps me with the gym but if there is a chance of losing hair i may ditch it.
Hair loss is genetic. If there is no hair loss in your family/genetics you are good.
I know a guy on Fin and he takes blood tests a couple of times a year in order to continue to prescribed it. If anything is wrong with your blood work, they take you off it. He's been on for years. You are spreading fake news.
You clearly have no idea what your talking about, Finasterides mechanism of action is literally destroying your DHT levels, thats how it works.

1mg which is the typical dose for hairloss will drop your DHT levels by 68.7% lol
fin is a hit or miss, some ppl might experience dick problems and libido. others are perfectly fine. try it and see if you get any sides


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You clearly have no idea what your talking about, Finasterides mechanism of action is literally destroying your DHT levels, thats how it works.
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1mg which is the typical dose for hairloss will drop your DHT levels by 68.7% lol

You're jealous fin did not work for you. You want other balding people to suffer like you. Hehe
Creatine is great for the gym. The whole cause of baldness was a study done on small sample size and now people who haven't got a clue how studies work have run with it. Watch this video that explains it better than I can.



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