why would you think thats superstitious? its not beyond the realm of possibilityMy mom thinks there's jinn in photographs and refuse to take pics. She's always on the conference calls with other hooyos take smack about gaalo and their children.
What are some superstition things your mom does
their weirdosY’all really going to expose your own Hoyoo’s like this
Somethings are just better left unsaid
Possible to do sixir on soneone's pic so i guess she is rightMy mom thinks there's jinn in photographs and refuse to take pics. She's always on the conference calls with other hooyos take smack about gaalo and their children.
What are some superstition things your mom does
Does she know about your gender and how you want to qanis zone the somaliflagMy mum thinks that a slave owner is the best role model for all of time
Only before or during magribMine doesn't like the windows opened at night cuz she think jinns are gonna come through(dunno if it's true though).
When it's boiling during the summer I open the window once she goes to her room for the night.
why would you think thats superstitious? its not beyond the realm of possibility
It is possibleAre serious, jinn in photos is in any realm of possibility
its possible, but from your posts you seem to be illogically close minded for no reason, every outcome has a probability of possibility and basically everything is possible so a jinn in the photos is a possible outcome that you shouldn't be so dismissive of when it can be trueAre serious, jinn in photos is in any realm of possibility
It is true as jinns are everywhereits possible, but from your posts you seem to be illogically close minded for no reason, every outcome has a probability of possibility and basically everything is possible so a jinn in the photos is a possible outcome that you shouldn't be so dismissive of when it can be true
its possible, but from your posts you seem to be illogically close minded for no reason, every outcome has a probability of possibility and basically everything is possible so a jinn in the photos is a possible outcome that you shouldn't be so dismissive of when it can be true
check anselems ontological argumentSo your telling me that god doesn't exist