Confirmed: Rapper DMX Dead.

It’s not official until TMZ reports it. But he’s on life support and the family has yet to make a decision. Maybe he may recover but the chances of that happening are very slim. DMX has lived a very tumultuous life filled with substance abuse and incarceration. He’s a tormented soul; don’t be fooled by the fame and money.


I was a big fan of X as a kid, I received the album IDAHIH on my 11th birthday and I use to listen to it every day after school, I knew every song and would often rap to my friends. I understand X was battling demons but I am hoping there's a miracle somehow and he pulls it through. Such a gifted artist.


It seems he is brain dead. There is no comeback from that

I know one person who was declared brain dead and the doctors repeatedly urged his parents to pull the plug, but the families fought hard to keep him on yet somehow he showed brain activity and survived, although never 100% the same again.