Confirmed by Western Gaalo newspaper: Farmajo has sent 10,000 SNA troops to kill Tigray civilians, rip up holy books and behead priests

Some of you people are just amazing. Some keep repeating already disproven points and others say "where are pics?". If you ppl didnt have room temprature iq you would know the there is internet shutdown in tigray and many of the recorded war crimes that has surfaced has been filmed by soldiers themselves in the act. Again do you know how long it took for pics of somali troops to surface? And interestingly do you know who took those pics? An eritrean soldier! You people are just genocide deniers wallahi. It is as easy as that

Ive seen you nnbots join the #NoMore movement. Siding with the neftenya abiy and absolute despot afwerki, so i dont want to hear "why insert somalis", when your lord farmajo did
"Imagine grown men thinking #Eritrea and #Ethiopia with a combined army of 460,000 active personnel needing the help of 4,000 untrained #Somali cadets. The only people denser than those who made up this lie are those who believe it."

MT Foxtrot

Some of you people are just amazing. Some keep repeating already disproven points and others say "where are pics?". If you ppl didnt have room temprature iq you would know the there is internet shutdown in tigray and many of the recorded war crimes that has surfaced has been filmed by soldiers themselves in the act. Again do you know how long it took for pics of somali troops to surface? And interestingly do you know who took those pics? An eritrean soldier! You people are just genocide deniers wallahi. It is as easy as that

Ive seen you nnbots join the #NoMore movement. Siding with the neftenya abiy and absolute despot afwerki, so i dont want to hear "why insert somalis", when your lord farmajo did


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"Imagine grown men thinking #Eritrea and #Ethiopia with a combined army of 460,000 active personnel needing the help of 4,000 untrained #Somali cadets. The only people denser than those who made up this lie are those who believe it."
First of all those numbers are inflated, second of all it would be stupid to think the eritreans would not utilize somali trainees because of the combined benefits of doing so such as

a) Baptising them by fire. Which co-entails with their training program

b) Less eritrean personel meaning less EDF defection because thats the greatest weakness with the eris

Also if you nnbots werent so incompetent and so ignorant to this conflict you would realize the war crimes accured around the spring, it is in the summer offensive the tigrayans pushed both the ENDF AND The EDF + Somali troops out of Tigray so clearly those numbers DID NOT WORK.

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You keep twisting my words because you know im right lol. I never said you support genocide but infact just denying it. Again do you have a thick skull or do you have memory loss? Because this whole report is has EVIDENCE through WITNESSES to an ONGOING story from JULY about somali presence in tigray.

f*ck tigrayans they have been committing atteocities and genocide on somalis for 30 years.

Mofo I wish we had opportunity to theough them off the cliffs like amhara and Eritreans have been doing.
Wait, do you like the Tigrays or Amhara?

Im so confused.
They are same shit different assholes.

Amhara is the one that created the institutions and system to marginalise somalis.Why do you think a sidamo or gurage or gambela hates somalis when we dont even share a border?
Because Haile selaise and Menelik laid the foundation.


Yes Fircaun Musa did not drown in the sea for nothing.

Tigrayans were anapologetic for 30 years committing every kind of attrocity esvsn after they had suffered it under derg and Haile Selaise.

So they should have been nicer to us and harsher on amhara pigs.
Yes Fircaun Musa did not drown in the sea for nothing.

Tigrayans were anapologetic for 30 years committing every kind of attrocity esvsn after they had suffered it under derg and Haile Selaise.

So they should have been nicer to us and harsher on amhara pigs.
Dont look at whats behind you but whats infront of you. The smart oromos are doing that. They know that to achieve their goals they have to become allies with the tplf even though they have been archenemies before. They are anti ethiopian now, especially after their failed drive to addis, so it is in our best interest to side with them
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They recognized somalis from their physical appearance? I wonder what do they mean.
Somalis may look significantly darker than habeshas has but how would a reer baadiye tigrayan correctly distinguish Somalis, afars, oromos and Ogaden Somalis? Tigrayaans don't know how we look like or how our language sounds like

MT Foxtrot

this whole report is has EVIDENCE through WITNESSES to an ONGOING story from JULY about somali presence in tigray.

You should read back through my posts in this thread. I'm simply asking for evidence in addition to those witness statements. Photographs, videos, audio recordings, etc. Anything that would support what they said.

Generally speaking, testimony on its own is worthless unless supported by other things. If I said "person X stole from me" and I provided nothing except my testimony, would it be reasonable to convict X on this basis? Obviously not. This is called the burden of proof: the onus on the party making the claim to to prove it is true.

This is especially the case when the claims in this article sound like veritable bullshit (bold emphasis mine):

But the survivors told The Globe that the Somali troops had massacred hundreds of civilians in villages controlled by the Eritrean military, often beheading them.
Kibrom, a 37-year-old man who fled the village of Hamlo in January, said the beheadings by Somali troops became an “everyday reality” in his village.
“The churches were inhabited by the troops,” he said. “They burned the holy books and sacred objects. Churches became the most unsafe places. Villagers stopped going to churches because the Somali troops would kill anyone they found in churches.”

You want us to believe that Somali soldiers were massacring "hundreds of civilians", beheading people, burning holy books, and committing other war crimes on the basis of a few witness statements? Surely you see the problem?

I've already responded to this a few months back:

Ilhan asked the Acting Assistant Secretary if he has been able to independently verify the claim of Somali troops fighting in Tigray. He responds:
We are aware there were some Somali troops that were in Ethiopia but I can't give you a definitive answer on whether they've been engaged in actual offensive operations. But we are very much looking at that matter.

When Ilhan asked him why they were in Ethiopia:
I believe that they were being provided some training by the Eritreans as a result of agreements. So, that appears to be the reason.

Once again, nothing conclusive. This is why I find this discussion so tedious. We're circling around the same dubious accounts and rumours. Let's wait for something more concrete.


You should read back through my posts in this thread. I'm simply asking for evidence in addition to those witness statements. Photographs, videos, audio recordings, etc. Anything that would support what they said.

Generally speaking, testimony on its own is worthless unless supported by other things. If I said "person X stole from me" and I provided nothing except my testimony, would it be reasonable to convict X on this basis? Obviously not. This is called the burden of proof: the onus on the party making the claim to to prove it is true.

This is especially the case when the claims in this article sound like veritable bullshit (bold emphasis mine):

You want us to believe that Somali soldiers were massacring "hundreds of civilians", beheading people, burning holy books, and committing other war crimes on the basis of a few witness statements? Surely you see the problem?

I've already responded to this a few months back:

Ilhan asked the Acting Assistant Secretary if he has been able to independently verify the claim of Somali troops fighting in Tigray. He responds:

When Ilhan asked him why they were in Ethiopia:

Once again, nothing conclusive. This is why I find this discussion so tedious. We're circling around the same dubious accounts and rumours. Let's wait for something more concrete.
"...Including in Axum" is what you hear her say first. You know Axum is in Tigray right? Are you telling me Somali troops were with the Eritreans in an active war zone to drink shaah? :childplease:
Im dead 💀💀 u ppl are next lvl delusional wallah

you talk about burden of proof which is laughable, because you imply witnesses are not evidence, ive never heard of a judiciary system anywhere in the world where witnesses are not evidence 😹😹 Even in our religion the testimony of witnesses is evidence LMAOOO

Do you know how most war crimes in this war are documented? Lets take what we know of from the Axum massacre prior to the somali troop presence. Below youll find how HRW confirmed it. Are you gonna say the same shit about burden of proof? Fck outta here man. Just admit you are a genocide denier

And again would it be suprising that somalis were doing war crimes against the tigrayans? I mean there wasnt something called The "Isaaq genocide" where somalis massacred their own wasnt there?

Have some shame and stop calling what is as clear as the sky"dubious" and "rumours"


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