Come In Cultural Experts


I like to study culture in a holistic approach not a single method approach. The following areas is what I like to study and measure for a holistic outlook.

1. Linguisticss
2. Dna
3. Values/Tradition
4. Civilization

I use the above method when assessing cultures in a holistic approach not just pick up one area, as it doesn't give me the full picture of the past or cultures since culture n the past have multiple dimensions to it.

The topic I want to discuss is linguistics, Hamito-Semetic languages or formerly known as now Afro-Asiatic. Why are these two always combined together like indo-european. Who fathered who? or do they have common father language(proto afro asiatic) and they exist as 'two independent branches'? What's the oldest most primitive afro-asiatic language as that would seem like it's closer to the 'root or father', don't u think? cuz once a language becomes more complex, it gets further from the origins.

The other area I want to know, Dna Wise on both mid-east n north-africa/horn, we see E-J haplogroups existing together? U see it in the horn, all over north africa, mid-east, even 'greece. I must note greece doesn't have linguistic ties to afro-asiatic but it does seem E group ventured there as they're dna line has a big portion of it, so it must of been a 'significant' pool of ppl migration to create such a 'pool' to begin with.

Values-Tradition is another area, when I read bible u will find the 'culture' very similar 'abtirsi' counting 'fathers' like they do in their genealogy, plus it's a desert culture n clan wars between clans of israel like clans of somalia today, plus circumision is practised widely by these groups of nations.

Finally all areas mid-east n north-africa-horn have ancient civilizations as attested to in the bible, be it kush-nubia-ancient egypt-ethiopia and mid-east. Im not including the middle age guys on the continent(zimbabwe, mali n timbuktu great libraries of science n math world domination, adal sultanates or other type of city state kingdoms). But where did civilization begin? most argue the oldest is found in Iraq, the question is who found 'Iraq' E haplogroup or J haplogroup ppl?
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My hypothesis or prediction is E group and the reason is. Why is it where-ever they are, their is civilization? it's in the horn-north africa-mid east-greece. The big give away is 'greece', as E guys migrated there, n J guy didnt right? cuz it's not in the greek dna pool? if it is, then it's a damn 'guess' who found civilization J or E, becuz if their present in every old civilization area thru their dna pools, who found it first can be claimed by both without any real hard data.


Why r these two Co-joined DNA wise J-E in every location of a civilization, why are they co-joined also in linguistic(knowledge), why r their values-traditions very similar. This has disturbed me alot, I am suspicious their playin the 'denial of black history' shit n co-joining semites into it. Pls note I just said 'im suspicious' as I haven't come across 'hard facts' to prove it.


It's a shame there no cultural experts to answer my question. Anyways another question to ponder, when did europe/china stop clannism(it was their dark age), but how did they become 'peasants' and 'overlords' societies, should we study the process? is it even beneficial too? i mean we can always fall back on clan to survive, what can they do when their highly regimented structure collapses?

