Civilized Iran helps Qatar. BIG L for Wahabi Zionists

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Weeping for the Nation of 68
escalating diplomatic dispute


Sunday June 11, 2017


Iran sent five planes of food to Qatar, Iran's national carrier confirmed on Sunday, days after Gulf countries cut off air and other transport links to the emirate amid an escalating diplomatic crisis.
Some 90 tonnes of food was sent to Doha, Iran Air spokesman Shahrokh Noushabadi said.

"So far five planes carrying perishable food items such as fruit and vegetables have been sent to Qatar, each carrying around 90 tonnes of cargo, while another plane will be sent today,” Noushabadi said.

"We will continue deliveries as long as there is demand" from Qatar, Noushabadi added, without mentioning if these deliveries were exports or aid.

Three ships loaded with 350 tonnes of food were also set to leave an Iranian port for Qatar, the Tasnim news agency quoted a local official as saying.

The port of Dayyer is Iran's closest port to Qatar.

Shame on Wahabi Zionists (Saudi Arabia and UAE) for treating muslims like this in the holy month of Ramadan.
Give food aid to the wealthiest nation per capita brehs:bell:

Why did we cut Iran off for nothing, they seem more loyal and smarter than the saudis.
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