Chinese tiktok

But they have similar facial features :kanyeshrug: :kanyeshrug: :kanyeshrug:

You're right. Similar, but not the same. It's like the difference between Oromos and Somalis.
On average who looks uglier k, j or c?

I'd have to say Japan. That's because loads of them are into crooked teeth. They find it cute. So they either don't straighten their teeth (like the rest of the world does if their teeth are f'ed up) or they surgically get their teeth f'ed up, to fit the beauty standards.
I'd have to say Japan. That's because loads of them are into crooked teeth. They find it cute. So they either don't straighten their teeth (like the rest of the world does if their teeth are f'ed up) or they surgically get their teeth f'ed up, to fit the beauty standards.
It makes them look like children

