Chinese supermarket in Nigeria says that Nigerian customers aren't allowed to enter.

You make it seem as though I was was the one who brought you up for no apparent reason when in actuality it was nin123 who @ed you and I then said my piece

Of course an immature brat like yourself can't simply take any criticism and always boils everything down to ppl being obsessed with you-go do some self reflection

I understand more talking to a brick wall then some SSpot users 💀
Zoe Kravitz Weirdo GIF
We have many Arabs in Somalia, but they don't control the market and they can't build their own enclaves
We must assimilate forgeiners. there’s lebanese and indian elites who own industry’s in nigeria and kenya respectively

Last thing we need is ethnic somalis begging it in a caste system in their own nation
This doesn't make sense to me. How do they even make a proper profit since there aren't that many Chinese there? Are those racists really sacrificing money just to be racist towards people in their own land?
Madow only have balls for other madow.

they have done this in Ethiopia and Kenya and other places

Koreans have banned Indians from
Their restaurants in India.

I live these chinks. Very racist. They know how to keep foreigners away from
Them. Masha Allah.



LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
hoorta it is amazing that Somalis do not have foreigners in their country trying to pull this off. Why? LOL

