China will begin teaching young boys "Masculinity" as gender roles are shifting in the world

China will have a serious incel problem soon with that heavy gender imbalance. They better start socially engineering people by doing something with the social credit score quickly.:mjlol:
The one child policy has fukt the gender balance in that country worse than India :russ:
I wonder what the indooyar equivalent of "send bobs and vagne" is lool
The one child policy has fukt the gender balance in that country worse than India :russ:
I wonder what the indooyar equivalent of "send bobs and vagne" is lool
The gender imbalance is the least of their problems in the long term. China is facing a serious demographic issue that is expected to end in an implosion, similar to Japan. They tried to lift the one-child policy by allowing for more kids per family, and birth rates didn't increase at all. It seems that incentivizing people into making babies is much harder on a systematic level when the culture has changed, and people have become accustomed to a certain lifestyle and developed a lower threshold for personal sacrifice, where having more babies is seen as a bad trade-off for overall quality of life.
The gender imbalance is the least of their problems in the long term. China is facing a serious demographic issue that is expected to end in an implosion, similar to Japan. They tried to lift the one-child policy by allowing for more kids per family, and birth rates didn't increase at all. It seems that incentivizing people into making babies is much harder on a systematic level when the culture has changed, and people have become accustomed to a certain lifestyle and developed a lower threshold for personal sacrifice, where having more babies is seen as a bad trade-off for overall quality of life.
The depressing thing is that it's not limited indoyaars. Virtually all developed countries, cadaans ones specifically, are experiencing low birth-rates. f*ck low birth-rates sxb, they're below replacement levels at this point. The issue's too complex for hamfisted politicians to solve, the covid shit's exposed their complete and utter ineptitude wallahi.

I think it'll only get worse and It'll start affecting minority groups pretty soon. It's like you said, the avg person's unwilling to sacrifice the relative comfort they live. Couple that with dogshit wages and dropping sperm counts and you have yourself a real-life "Children of men" scenario lol
The movie's oddly prophetic wallahi. Oh yeah, let's not forget the growing "child-free" movement where otherwise healthy individuals render themselves sterile so they can consume more product and lead hedonistic lives.

In conclusion, get back in your cage and stop reproducing wagies, bosses need vacation homes lol
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Boys don't need masculinity education," said Lü Pin, the founder of China's largest feminist advocacy media channel, Feminist Voices, which was banned by Chinese censors in 2018.

"The concept of masculinity forces every man to be tough, which excludes and harms men with other types of characteristics," she said. "It also reinforces men's hegemony, control and position over women, which goes against gender equality."
Good, effeminate lady-boys should be bullied and excluded from the gene pool :susp:

lmaoo she basically wants boys to act girly and be bullied by girls also the chinese banned femenist in 2018 lollllllll read it
I'm weary of anyone who spews that "not all men have to be masculine, some men can be feminine and gentle" shit. Good, glad the Zhangs nipped it in the bud before SlµtWalk Beijing became a thing lol.


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