China says "the United States bears the consequences for Nancy Pelosi's trip to Taiwan"! Could this be the start of WW3!

The PRC is not militarily ready for a war against Taiwan. In contrast to the Russians who prepared for a long time on how to invade Ukraine and how to deal with the subsequent economic sanctions that were imposed on them. Probably China will be ready by 2024 to launch an invasion of Taiwan, but even by then Taiwan will have bolstered their defences and military capabilities.

As for the likelihood of the US extending direct support for the Taiwanese, I personally don't consider it seriously. I think at the most they'll just supply them with weapons and not engage their own forces.


Maa ana waalan mise cadan baa laga heesayaa?
Tawian is finished. China doesnt need taiwian citzens. They will genocide tawian with missles, and send hans to repopulate tawian.

The power of being a true " landheer".


Main landers see them as to far gone, same goes for hong kong always booty clapping for the west.

A genocide is coming, as they have no need for Taiwanese citzen han or not.
We should give free visas to the Taiwanese. Somalia needs some educated citizens

