China destroys domes of famous mosques as cultural whitewash continues


To keep your balance, you must keep moving.
I'm not even hostile towards you, I just feel bad if you really have been taken in by the Western narrative. Of course, the vast majority of mainstream English-language content is going to be pro-Western so I don't really blame you.
What China is doing to historical mosques has nothing to do with the Western narrative as you claim. There is no justification for the cultural destruction within China. You can not defend it.

I get it you work for the Chinese government to skew the truth. I noticed you do a lot of Chinese propaganda here and always bring up the West, even when it has nothing to do with what is going on in China. Your technique of immediately deflecting the discussions about Chinese draconian policies to the Western narative is getting old.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
honestly.... I'm well aware the Russia-China axis of countries aren't saints.....

but let me people ask people

would you rather have

A- you can only watch CNN (neocon unipolar world)


B- you can watch CNN, RT, CGTN or TRT? (mulipolar world)



To keep your balance, you must keep moving.
honestly.... I'm well aware the Russia-China axis of countries aren't saints.....

but let me people ask people

would you rather have

A- you can only watch CNN (neocon unipolar world)


B- you can watch CNN, RT, CGTN or TRT? (mulipolar world)

Why are you deflecting to an unrelated topic?

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
From the standpoint purely of moving in an Islamic direction

which countries have been doing better?




I would rather that Muslim leaders get along with Xi Jinping than that they are signing deals to normalize ties with Israel.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
Why are you deflecting to an unrelated topic?

You don't understand how that's related?

You really don't understand how that's related?

If you don't understand, then you don't understand the subject and I shouldn't argue with you because you would need to understand the subject first. I recommend you read the book I recommended.


To keep your balance, you must keep moving.
From the standpoint purely of moving in an Islamic direction

which countries have been doing better?




I would rather that Muslim leaders get along with Xi Jinping than that they are signing deals to normalize ties with Israel.
Deflecting again.


To keep your balance, you must keep moving.
You don't understand how that's related?

You really don't understand how that's related?

If you don't understand, then you don't understand the subject and I shouldn't argue with you because you would need to understand the subject first. I recommend you read the book I recommended.
Snake, in a thread about what is going on inside China in regards to destruction of historical mosques, you brought up unrelated topics.

Since you lumped Russia with China together on the subject, let me tell you that unlike China, Russia is very protective of its Islamic heritage and doesn't destroy mosques to promote its Russianness. So, you can't compare Russia and China in that regard.

Here is Putin opening a mosque in Moscow, Russia:

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Bishop of the order of Gacanta Furan ✋
I feel like if we put the same energy we put into Uyghurs and BLM and other international topics into Somalia, we would be a first world country by now.
I feel like if we put the same energy we put into Uyghurs and BLM and other international topics into Somalia, we would be a first world country by now.

Most Somalis are not BLM. As muslims we should always show solidarity with the Ummah. At the moment we are able to basically do nothing but should remain with not Uyghurs.
@Omar del Sur how is being against China pro-Western imperialism? Its possible to be against both transgressors as they clearly have an anti-Islam agenda.

You're well learned please tell me what the Quran and hadif say about siding against fellow muslims?
@Omar del Sur how is being against China pro-Western imperialism? Its possible to be against both transgressors as they clearly have an anti-Islam agenda.

You're well learned please tell me what the Quran and hadif say about siding against fellow muslims?

I doubt the brother is siding with china, he is just saying china is better than the west.

The oppression the chinese kuffar are doing to their muslim population is miniscule compared to what western imperialism has done.

In no way shape or form is he justifying what they are doing to their muslim population

People are attacking him accusing him of supporting kuffar against muslims cause of their incomprehension this is an indirect takfir which is dangerous.

I have not seen any muwalat (alliance with disbelievers) from him.

May Allah destroy both china and the west.
A reminder Uighurs are Turks why should they be have Sinicization forced on them

oh no, they're becoming less Arab culturally and rediscovering Chinese Islamic architecture...... so do you want to be Arab? it's not crime if people want to have their own culture. it definitely doesn't compare to bombing and invading Muslim countries.
Being Muslim has nothing to do with being an Arab. I see you support the destruction of historical religious sites to fit the Chinese agenda.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف

I prefer China's multipolar model over the neoconservative unipolar model.

I'm not saying I'm entirely pro-Soviet. I don't believe in atheism and I don't exactly believe in capitalism but I do believe what Maududi claimed which is that pure capitalism and pure Communism are both extremes and that Islamic economics would be somewhere in the middle.

But my point is this as far as the Soviet Union- the Soviet Union served as a counter to the West.

You look at Iran and the Houthis, for example. The Houthis are a different Shia sect than the Twelvers in Iran. Zaydis.

Yet Iran supports the Houthis although they have differences- why? Because the Houthis are a counter to Saudi.

China is the biggest counter to Western hegemony. Without China and Russia, countries which don't function as basically being colonies of the West would basically collapse and be turned into basically being Western colonies. I don't need anybody to pay me to be in favor of a buffer to Western hegemony.

Very likely, Pakistan and Turkey would be like Saudi is.

People can think whatever they want but a Cold War is currently in progress and I intend to support the side that I believe is going to rollback Western imperialism. If and when a multipolar world is established where Muslim countries can build Islamic societies in peace, I think people will decide that the multipolar model is preferable to the neocon unipolar model.

I think that China is going to win the Cold War and the US is going to lose.

And I think that we will see that society will evolve in a better direction.

My view is that the current arrangement of society is not permanent. I think a new era is coming.

Instead of some imperialist Westerner trying to dictate to every nonwhite people and country on earth- the various countries would meet with the leader of China. Or if you prefer, you can still meet with the imperialist Westerner who thought you were nonhuman but is now being taught humility.

You prefer a Chinese Marxist-Leninist or a racist white person who doesn't consider you a human?

You decide. I know which side I'm on.

Furthermore, I believe my side will win and we will be building the societies of the future and writing the children's history books with long chapters on the glorious victory over the West. And the generations of the future will agree that my side was correct. That is my view.
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Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
@Omar del Sur how is being against China pro-Western imperialism? Its possible to be against both transgressors as they clearly have an anti-Islam agenda.

You're well learned please tell me what the Quran and hadif say about siding against fellow muslims?

A Russia-China military alliance would be a bulwark against America’s global imperialism. Is it time for Washington to panic?

Ideologically, I am in the same camp with Turkey and Pakistan.

I think Turkey and Pakistan are a much better model than the Saudi model.

Now, if it's possible for a Muslim country to not deal with China or the West and to do well- what is the country that is doing that?

If some country manages to actually do that, great- I'm for it. But as far as I know, every Muslim country deals with either China, the West or both.

Is it obligatory for Muslim countries that they do something that is unfeasible? So Muslims cannot deal with either the West or China even if this is not practical for Muslim societies in real life?

If it is not feasible for Muslim societies to neither deal with China, the West and neither prefer a certain side in the current Cold War- then it cannot be obligatory for Muslim societies to take such a position.

If some Muslim country demonstrates that it is feasible then I'm for it but I'm not going to accept a position that something is obligatory that might not even be feasible. That would be like saying it's an obligation for Muslims to double-jump. I would be seriously misguided.

"And spend in the way of Allah and do not throw [yourselves] with your [own] hands into destruction [by refraining]. And do good; indeed, Allah loves the doers of good."

-Surah Al-Baqarah 2:195

"Despite that, the scholars -- both earlier and later -- also quoted this verse as evidence to show that it is forbidden to kill oneself or harm oneself or throw oneself into destruction by any means, based on the general meaning of the words of the verse and by analogy, and they affirmed the basic usooli principle which says: what counts is the general meaning of the words, not the specific reason for revelation.

Fath al-Baari, 8/185

Al-Shawkaani (may Allaah have mercy on him) said:

i.e., do not do that which will bring about your destruction. The salaf had a number of opinions concerning the meaning of the verse. The truth is that what matters is the general meaning of the wording not the specific reason for revelation. Everything that may be called destruction in religious or worldly terms is included in that. This is the view of Ibn Madow al-Tabari."

it very well may be that a Muslim country that did not deal either China, US or both would be throwing itself into destruction.

What would happen if Turkey and Pakistan said "you Chinese are Communists, we're not going to deal with you or the West"... what would happen?

If they really implemented that, I think their economies would collapse and their leadership would be overthrown and replaced with Western puppet leadership.


👾pʅɹoʍ pǝʇɐʅǝxᴉd ɐ uᴉ ƃuᴉʌᴉʅ👾
oh no, they're becoming less Arab culturally and rediscovering Chinese Islamic architecture...... so do you want to be Arab? it's not crime if people want to have their own culture. it definitely doesn't compare to bombing and invading Muslim countries.
Go visit inside it. All you could see is Mao Zedong photos inside the Mosque.
@Omar del Sur

Chinese government is physically destroying the Islamic heritage in China on a systematic basis.

Blasphemous content in some European media is not as damaging and can be overcome. China is literally eradicating Islamic heritage.
it was eye opening seeing the islamic world be mute on the moves china is taking against islam and muslims
in the end its all about the money


Why don't you visit China and see for yourself. Having to show your passport each time you enter a mosque for it to be recorded is humiliating and that your weekly khutbas is monitored by CCP in which you can't say anything beyond the boundaries or else it's camp time

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
Why don't you visit China and see for yourself. Having to show your passport each time you enter a mosque for it to be recorded is humiliating and that your weekly khutbas is monitored by CCP in which you can't say anything beyond the boundaries or else it's camp time


although I believe the khutbah really might be expected to follow certain rules. But what are the rules? Not calling for the overthrow of the Chinese government? The khutbah has to preach Marxism?

I think it matters what the specific rules are. If they are saying not to preach to overthrow the government, I think that is reasonable.



although I believe the khutbah really might be expected to follow certain rules. But what are the rules? Not calling for the overthrow of the Chinese government? The khutbah has to preach Marxism?

I think it matters what the specific rules are. If they are saying not to preach to overthrow the government, I think that is reasonable.

Trust me source?

Well it's official the khutbas have to align with Chinese social values and which is Marxism.As for your other point with specific rules that applies to every country in the world and it's reasonable