Checking your girl


how weak of a man are you?

What’s this “weak”:hmm:
Huuno macaane, Ilaahay khair ha ku siiyo ee ii yara dhagayso, with this mentality there is no way you are going to invest that money into some where well ee han heshiino and I will be the aqli for both of us
she wants my lacag before I die:jcoleno:
Extreme gaajonimadaan maxaaway
It's amazing how effective telling a girl to "shut the f*ck up" is when she's being irrational or mouthing off. It might nuke your relationship, but it's worth the risk.

If grown men don't test you and talk shit like that, why tolerate it from someone half your size?lool
You should check her with force you are the dominant one she should always now that sometimes grab her with a firm grip and raise voice a little