Ceel Afweyn

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It looks like the area around Oog is 2G? What is suitable to grow in 2G, 2S and 2R?

Basically we can grow dry land crops, forestry and tree crops in our 2R soils (Bohol area). Several variety of crops can be grown in the Oog area (2G). I guess we can proceed with our plans inader :lol: .

From the FAO World Reference Base for Soil Resources.

Calcisol (2G)
Dryness, and in places also stoniness and/or the presence of a shallow petrocalcic horizon, limit the suitability of Calcisols for agriculture. If irrigated, drained (to prevent salinisation) and fertilised, Calcisols can be highly productive under a wide variety of crops. Hilly areas with Calcisols are predominantly used for low volume grazing of cattle, sheep and goats.

Regosols (2R)
The group of Regosols is a taxonomic rest group containing all soils that could not be accommodated in any of the other groups. Excluded from the Regosols are weakly developed soils that classify as Leptosols (very shallow soils), Arenosols (sandy soils) or Fluvisols (in recent alluvial deposits. These soils have AC-profiles. Profile development is minimal as a consequence of young age and/or slow soil formation.

Leptosols (2R)
Leptosols can be found on hard rocks or where erosion has kept pace with soil formation or removed the top of the soil. In the FAO soil classification for the UNESCO Soil Map of the World (1974) the Leptosols on calcareous rock were called Rendzinas, those on acid rock were Rankers. The very shallow, less than 10 cm deep, Lithic Leptosols in mountain regions are the most extensive Leptosols on Earth.

Leptosols are unattractive soils for rainfed agriculture because of their inability to hold water,[1] but may sometimes have potential for tree crops or extensive grazing. Leptosols are best kept under forest.

Fluvisols (2R)
Fluvisols are found on alluvial plains, river fans, valleys and tidal marshes on all continents and in all climate zones. Under natural conditions periodical flooding is fairly common. The soils have a clear evidence of stratification. Soil horizons are weakly developed, but a distinct topsoil horizon may be present.

Many dryland crops are grown on Fluvisols, normally with some form of water control. On tropical Fluvisols with satisfactory irrigation and drainage paddy rice cultivation is widespread.

Solanacks (2S)
Solonchak (Russian and Ukrainian: Солончак) is pale or grey soil type found in arid to subhumid, poorly drained conditions. The word is Russian for "salt marsh" in turn from Russian sol (соль), "salt". Ukrainian folk word "солончак" in turn from Ukrainian "salty" (солоний) + "чак" — suffix; designation of an object that has the property. In Ukraine there is a village Solonchaky.
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