Waa nin geesi ahDamn savages
We need more guys like him who put somalis first onlyDamn savages
You see how they booty clap for these arabzWaa nin geesi ah
tag all them tacaal bootyclappersSadting we can’t put them all in the same boat just beware of such people
:siilaanyolaughCrow @Samaalic Era @Lum @AussieHustler @Reiko @xalimathe6 @Mehmet @Tukraq @Armadillo @Geeljire sanbuur @geeljire madaxweyne @Geeljire lotus @GeelJiritotag all them tacaal bootyclappers
wow lots of ignorant comments, it's so sad enjoying the suffering of innocent people. Please do better people.
Zayd waa geesi we need more soldiers like him:siilaanyosmile:zayd the man came out of hiding to trigger the we wuz ayrabz bootyclappers
Looool dont tell me this was eastleigh