Brick Lady Rooda Cusman arrested. Facing up to 10 years in Xabsi!


4th Emir of the Akh Right Movement


Ladies and gentleman we got it, Today is a momentous day for all somalis to celebrate and these ana arabs just keep getting W's this year that its getting creepy, Anyways good riddance and I hope that thing is locked up for good and to never see the light of day or smell freedom ever again.
what did she do
Why are there so many incels happy about her arrest, it is a shame that one of our own somali sisters went down this road, it's not a moment of celebration but a collective shame. Learn to have a sense of personal responsibility so that your daughters do not end up like this. Remember somali youth criminalisation and recidivism is entering gendered towards men. Have a sense of self awareness. That is all.


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
what did she do
Basically she was a degenerate girl who was doing all sorts of degenerate stuff at that point she couldnt be considered somali since she was heavily assimilated/integrated into black FBA culture but anyways she was out at the clubs and she rejected this black guy and he got mad and hit her (he didnt hit a brick on her it was fake) and then she caused a outcry claiming she got hit with a brick and how blacks and males were doing nothing about it and she blamed them and when it was discovered she was somali it sparked a MASSIVE gender war on this forum (god you should have seen it It was so tiring) anyways she set up a gofund me and made all these videos basically crying and it all died down a few months later but then it got bought up again cause the African Americans and blacks found out she was scamming and that she used all the money not for treatment but for clubbing and parties in jamaica (the stupid bi*ch posted herself partying and also got taken pictures of by people who identified her :francis:) they then found out and got pissed and filed a lawsuit against her and ofc since she is an idiot (typical degenerate halimo) escalated the situation by running away when all she was gonna get if she turned herself in was a slap on the wrist, a fine and social media heat but nooo! this stupid wh*re ran away to some random rappers guy house and ofc again she was an idiot and at that point I was questioning whether she even had a brain in there cause she still stayed active on social media and her "rapper boyfriend" took pictures and they found out she was there anyways long story short the stupid b*tch got caught and thrown into jail and I am grateful thats the last we will hear of that disgrace.


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
Why are there so many incels happy about her arrest, it is a shame that one of our own somali sisters went down this road, it's not a moment of celebration but a collective shame. Learn to have a sense of personal responsibility so that your daughters do not end up like this. Remember somali youth criminalisation and recidivism is entering gendered towards men. Have a sense of self awareness. That is all.
She associated with the blacks and she is an adult who can think for herself she went down the path long ago and went too far to turn back and what she did she rightfully deserved she scammed people of their money and symphathy only to lie and use the money to go clubbing in jamaica and FROM THIS this would serve as a perfect example to somalis who decide to associate with madows or go down this degenerate path.