Breaking News: Reer Galmudug destroyed in Kaxandhaale

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“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Wararka naga soo gaaraya gobolka Galgaduud ayaa sheegaya in dagaal xoogan oo u dhaxeeya labo maleeshiyo beeleed uu ka bilowday deegaan gobolka ka tirsan.

Dagaalka ayaa ka bilowday deegaanka Kaxandhaale ee gobolka Galgaduud halkaasi oo marar badan maleeshiyaadka ay ku dagaalameen, waxaana la ogeyn khasaaraha ilaa iyo hadda.

Dagaalka ayaa ka dambeeyay kadib markii mid kamid ah maleeshiyaadka dagaalamaya la sheegay inay weerareen dad xoolo dhaqato ah oo deegaanka ku sugan, taasi oo dhalisay in dagaala uu xoogeysto.

Barqadii maanta ayaa la sheegay in dagaalka uu xoogeystay, waxaana ilaa iyo hadda uu ka socdaa deegaanka, sida masuuliyiin ka tirsan maamulka Galgaduud ay sheegeen.

Dadka deegaanka ayaa sheegaya in dagaalka uu ka dashay dhimasho iyo dhaawac, waxaase adag in khasaaraha la ogaado maadaama dagaalka wali ka socdo deegaanka.

Maamulka Galmudug ayaa marar badan dadaalo ku bixiyay sidii maleeshiyaadkaasi dagaalkooda loo kala dhex gali lahaa, balse waxaa muuqata in markastaa dagaalka uu dib kaga bilaabanayo deegaanka.


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Seems like Mustafe Cagjar gave INa ciyaar Jecayl some heavy weapons and destroyed the mooryaans remanants.


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
So sad wallahi.

Inaa lilaahi wa inaa ileeyhi raajicuun.

But we cry when Oromos kill Somalis in Galbeed or when AMISOM prostitutes our young.

May Allah help us.
Since when did you become Kumbaya? You know Hu2us are troublesome.


We star in movies NASA pay to watch
Ismaamulka Somali Galbeed + Mareexaan vs Ayaanle Cayr round 3

Cayr got this :banderas:
Why would cagjar care, does he not know mx are at war with his tol in Somalia. Caku Ogaden politicians ma sidii dameerihii uunbaa kolba cadow raran.
Why would cagjar care, does he not know mx are at war with his tol in Somalia. Caku Ogaden politicians ma sidii dameerihii uunbaa kolba cadow raran.
Cagjar iyo Kooxda SRS are not involved in this local conflict between wagrdhac and Sacad. Two months ago it was wagrdhac pitted against saleebaan in a tuulo near the border with Galmudug after liyu vacated the area under his orders so why would he instigate clan conflicts by equipping them if he doesn't even want to police that area? Rubbish lies by Alasow
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Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
Which MX subclan is involved?

What a joyous news you've brought us, oh bringer of glad tidings @TekNiKo :samwelcome:

Enjoy a well deserved Xmas :samwelcome:

Edit: It is the glorious Wagardhac.
Cagjar iyo Kooxda SRS are not involved in this local conflict between wargdhac and Sacad. Two months ago it was wargdhac pitted against saleebaan in a tuulo near the border with Galmudug after liyu vacated the area under his orders so why would he instigate clan conflicts by equipping them if he doesn't even want to police that area. Rubbish lies by Alasow
So its calasow saying this. Ogaden need to completely stay away from other somali clans squabbles, unless they bother us.
Hope cagjar isn't involved.

let MX fight their own battles. We help them out in GG only for them to shake their futo at us in Jland.

F that. hold your own nuts waryaada.
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