BREAKING: Andrew Tate says IM MUSLIM

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Minister of Propaganda
Na, that only applies to Muslims/believers who got haram money and knew it, ofc any haram money/businesses hes making now must be stopped and donated asap

"Whoever does something, not knowing that it is forbidden, then he finds out that it is forbidden, is not to be punished. If he engages in a riba-based transaction, believing it to be permissible, and he acquires wealth thereby, then an admonition comes to him from his Lord, he may keep his past gains. "

"So whosoever receives an admonition from his Lord and stops taking Riba (usury) may keep his past gains”
[al-Baqarah 2:275].

End quote from Tafseer Aayaat Ashkalat ‘ala Katheer min al-‘Ulama’ (2/578)

Those are for transactions in which both parties knew that it’s haram and have consent to one another.

Sex work is considered “evil money” in Islam not a transaction, similar to alcohol sales etc.

Therefore, it depends on whether the buyer knew exactly what they were paying for.
@Qeelbax @Angelina @Bundasliga @OffTheDome @reer

A lot of people have forgotten that Andrew Tate has a big test of Imaan coming up.

He will have to donate all the money he made from scamming and pimping to charity.

That is probably 80% of his net worth.

Imo, even some of the most pious Muslims will find it extremely difficult to part with that cash.

Inshallah, he donates the money but if he doesn’t, then he hasnt truly repented for his past sins.
Very true , but who are we to judge .
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we have our own issues we seriously need to focus on


Minister of Propaganda
that’s between him and Allah. as long as he is not continuing to spew his misogyny and degeneracy with an islamic twist, then i got nothing negative to say about him.

I already stated that I personally won’t judge him on this because Allah knows that 90% of us would be unable to part with that much money.


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
He also owns numerous casinos which he will have to sell…
Who cares why are you so belligerently against Tate? It is better he die with an iota of iman in his heart despite his sinning than continue living as a heedless gaal. His reversion may have inspired millions of young nonmuslim fanbase to look into Islam. Any gaal who converts cause of him he will receive their ajar everytime they do a good deed. Exponential ajar.

This is a huge benefit for dacwa in of itself. Never forget the mercy of Allah


Minister of Propaganda
Who cares why are you so belligerently against Tate?

Stop lying on my name, waryah.

This is what I said about his conversion.

I am gonna stay silent about him. Congratulations, I hope he is sincere about the deen and cleans up his mistakes.

But time will tell if he is genuine or not.

For his sake, I would prefer he is genuine and leaves the haram he has committed.

Furthermore, I have never said anything bad about Tate on this forum. I have not called him a misogynist, sexist or said he is using Islam for his own agenda.

I have only ever called him a pimp and scammer because that is what he calls himself.

Go search what I have said about him.


Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
I have no idea how sincere this guy is. However, one thing I think has to be kept in mind is that a person's pre-Islamic beliefs don't entirely just disappear overnight. A lot of his ideas were contrary to Islam and he would have to really change his whole way of thinking to follow Islam properly. I'm not talking about sincerity- even if you're sincere, it takes time.

Anyways, some of the extreme reactions from feminists just illustrate how a lot of these feminist types put feminism before Islam. Modern society promotes trying to turn your kids into homos and harlots. People have every right to have a problem with modern Western culture. Islam is the answer to the problems of "modernity" and I think this surely will lead many people who rightly are concerned with the problems of modern society to turn to Islam as the solution. If he becomes some sort of deviant or promotes wrong ideas or whatever, people should oppose him but people should give him the benefit of the doubt.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
@Qeelbax @Angelina @Bundasliga @OffTheDome @reer

A lot of people have forgotten that Andrew Tate has a big test of Imaan coming up.

He will have to donate all the money he made from scamming and pimping to charity.

That is probably 80% of his net worth.

Imo, even some of the most pious Muslims will find it extremely difficult to part with that cash.

Inshallah, he donates the money but if he doesn’t, then he hasnt truly repented for his past sins.

what is wrong with you that someone becomes Muslim and you get up in arms about it... you act as though you're more attached to liberal Western ideology than to Islam


Minister of Propaganda
what is wrong with you that someone becomes Muslim and you get up in arms about it... you act as though you're more attached to liberal Western ideology than to Islam

This is what I said about his conversion, don’t lie on my name.

I am gonna stay silent about him. Congratulations, I hope he is sincere about the deen and cleans up his mistakes.

But time will tell if he is genuine or not.

For his sake, I would prefer he is genuine and leaves the haram he has committed.

But instead of reading this post, you immediately made assumptions on my imaan.

You are probably going to ignore this and not even offer an apology for your defamatory statement…

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
All of you lecturing @Qeelbax better have this same energy if Lana Rhodes or any s*x worker becomes Muslim.

But we know you won’t.

Actually, considering how some of you simp for yt women, I might be wrong lol.

That analogy does not hold up at all because this Andrew Tate person is some sort of intellectual who critiques modern society. His following isn't from putting out sex videos, he has fans because people admire his analysis and discussion of modern culture. This is totally different than the examples you gave.

Plus the other thing is I hope all the harlots of the world do become Muslim so they can attain salvation but if we're talking about a woman who has tons of explicit videos online and is known for such... spreading her name around might be a bad idea because it might tempt people to want to look up the videos. I wouldn't want to post about it because I wouldn't want to spread her name for that reason.

A better example might be a historical woman who was a harlot who became Muslim and changed her ways. Then you could talk about that and there aren't videos of her out there.

The other thing is- why would you not be more excited about an intellectual versus someone who is only famous for opening their legs? I guess you don't have to be but I think of course many people would be more excited about an intellectual. Tate was involved in some sort of seedy stuff but he is more famous as a social critic. I don't agree with his pre-Islamic views but maybe he'll be an intellectual who critiques modern society from an Islamic viewpoint.


Minister of Propaganda
That analogy does not hold up at all because this Andrew Tate person is some sort of intellectual who critiques modern society. His following isn't from putting out sex videos, he has fans because people admire his analysis and discussion of modern culture. This is totally different than the examples you gave.

Plus the other thing is I hope all the harlots of the world do become Muslim so they can attain salvation but if we're talking about a woman who has tons of explicit videos online and is known for such... spreading her name around might be a bad idea because it might tempt people to want to look up the videos. I wouldn't want to post about it because I wouldn't want to spread her name for that reason.

A better example might be a historical woman who was a harlot who became Muslim and changed her ways. Then you could talk about that and there aren't videos of her out there.

The other thing is- why would you not be more excited about an intellectual versus someone who is only famous for opening their legs? I guess you don't have to be but I think of course many people would be more excited about an intellectual. Tate was involved in some sort of seedy stuff but he is more famous as a social critic. I don't agree with his pre-Islamic views but maybe he'll be an intellectual who critiques modern society from an Islamic viewpoint.

Andrew Tate isn’t an intellectual, what kind of revisionism is this? He has no background in academia, science or theology!!

Andrew Tate calls himself a pimp and a scammer, his own words. Lana Rhodes is a former p*rn star.

Peas in a pod and the rest of the world sees them as that.

Inshallah, Andrew Tate improves himself and leaves that lifestyle behind but let’s not lie unprovoked.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
This is what I said about his conversion, don’t lie on my name.

I'm not lying on your name- throughout this whole thread you are clearly aligned with the bandwagon against him. I never got around to criticizing him but I was always against him. But I give him the benefit of the doubt.

But instead of reading this post, you immediately made assumptions on my imaan.

You are probably going to ignore this and not even offer an apology for your defamatory statement…

Your imaan? You were upset when the non-Muslim invaders lost in Afghanistan. Muslims won against non-Muslim invaders and you were upset. And then on basically every issue your stance is basically the exact same as whatever the current basically official Western stance is. Pro-feminism, Ukraine, etc, You openly are a male feminist, you've openly defended feminism, you promote feminism, you were upset when the US lost to Muslims- the name on your profile could be "Voice of America" or "Voice of White Liberal Australians" and your stances would be basically the exact the same line.

Where exactly do your stances deviate from that line? If we determine their stance on an issue, your stance I think almost certainly is going to be exactly aligned.

I don't speculate as to your heart, I just see you as basically an appendage of Western liberalism. If you were being paid by some white liberal NGO to promote liberalism, I think your stances would be the exact same.

You can take what I'm saying as a criticism but I'm inviting you to illustrate how exactly you are independent from Western liberalism- and beyond just rhetoric. You might try to cover with some superficially anti-Western rhetoric but in practical terms your stances seem to always boil down to being identical to generic Western liberalism.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
I mean... look at this... you act like you're against it when Qatar was supposed to do some anti-gay measures with regard to the world cup... what religion are you?

Be careful what you wish for, France is going to use the same excuse to ban the hijab in the Paris Olympics.


Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
Andrew Tate isn’t an intellectual, what kind of revisionism is this? He has no background in academia, science or theology!!

So to be an intellectual you have to be a part of academia? That is just incorrect.

You could be a construction worker or a taxi driver, that doesn't mean you can't formulate a critique of modern society if you want to.

I think the guy who wrote a very famous book.... Eric Hoffeee? Hoffer?.. the True-Believer- that is the book title... I think he was a blue collar dock worker.

If you're a person who goes around formulating a critique of modern Western culture and you become famous for your critique of modern Western society- that's called an intellectual. I have no idea if Plato had a degree but Plato would still be an intellectual with or without one.

I don't think Socrates was part of academia. Are you going to say Socrates wasn't an intellectual? I think there have been many famous intellectuals throughout history who weren't involved with academia. To pretend academia has a monopoly on intellectualism is just snobbery.

Now, mind you- I'm not saying an intellectual is necessarily a good intellectual. Some sort of lunatic sjw extremist who thinks math is racist and who thinks the shape of kitchen sinks is part of a "heteropatriarchal conspiracy"- if they get famous for their dumb ideas and a lot of people are into their silly ideas, that is an intellectual. Their ideas might be stupid but yes I think anyone who is famous for their critique of society is some sort of intellectual. I didn't think Tate was a good intellectual but yes he was some sort of intellectual. Some people here admired his stuff and if you ask it was because they were interested in his critique of modern society.


Minister of Propaganda
@Omar del Sur

Provide a post where I have called Andrew Tate either a sexist or misogynist.

If you cannot, then you have lied about me.

Simple as that.
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