Bosaso Port Development

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Eedo Your a Somali women meel iska fadhiiso maxaa ku dhibeey? you have no qabiil anyway and like all other Somali women you have honour in my eyes?

That's why 90% of our intermarriage is your women and our men, why do you think that's the case?

You have no male's with dignity pride or honour that's why, reer bermuda are the biggest fucking beta cucks on this form, waliba the champions of gaalinimo.

You never see these types of bakhti's amongst us due to our upbringings, waxno ha is waalin you will likely end up with one of us anyway :ftw9nwa:
Blah blah blah listen Hawiye futo madoobe keep typing up dissertations on the Bermuda Triangle. Mohamud Saleeban should give you a Mohamud Saleeban woman for all your effort.


As i live and breathe
What's gonna happen when you have a pure Isaaq state and suddenly the infighting turns from qabiil vs qabiil to sub clan vs sub clan? Because instead of treating the problem, which is what you said "Somalis are xasiid", you're treating the symptom and it's bound to show up again.

Somaliland can't even agree within their own claimed borders on the topic going independent. You think that is going to disappear? The SL administration will just become what they were originally fighting against.

Let's say every clan stick to their own affairs. Then not long after people will tell every sub clan to stick to their own affair. So on and so forth this will happen, especially as the sub clans grow, until the actual problem is fixed.

Sub clans today or 20 years ago can't agree or stay civil with eachother alot of the time and you want to exacerbate that?:westbrookwtf: With every tuulo having a milita, everybody will turn on eachother because they already separated from other clans so they're not the problem this time.

Blah blah blah listen Hawiye futo madoobe keep typing up dissertations on the Bermuda Triangle. Mohamud Saleeban should give you a Mohamud Saleeban woman for all your effort.


What makes this comment funny is that this is their actual daqan, they shameless hand over their women for influence, I don't even mind if they do so to other Somali's but it's also done to Gaalo's and in the past to colonialist.

Damn! Your so unaware I will leave you alone, maybe one day you'll wake up to these ugly realities and remember my comments. No other Somali clan has this culture.


States don't act like their own countries in the US. Somalia dosen't exist right now, Puntland is basically its own nation and answers to no one. If Somalia wants to move towards a US type system i wouldn't mind that.

How about building these institutions? That's my point, that should be the goal. Defeating al shabab and moving towards some semblance of unity.
And why does it bother you if Puntland handles its own affairs? Midnimo dooni meyno :fittytousand: midnimadada futada iska geli.



What makes this comment funny is that this is their actual daqan, they shameless hand over their women for influence, I don't even mind if they do so to other Somali's but it's also done to Gaalo's and in the past to colonialist.

Damn! Your so unaware I will leave you alone, maybe one day you'll wake up to these ugly realities and remember my comments. No other Somali clan has this culture.
You want to be in the Bermuda Triangle so bad. :siilaanyolaugh:
What's the point of even commenting on Somaliland when they call you wanlaweyn? Let's not act like theres any such thing as Somalinimo. How many southerners complain of being made fun of when they went to Hargeisa? Just let Somalilanders handle their own shit and problems with other Dir, Harti etc.

Not believing in unity has nothing to do with Europeans, actually Italians advocated for unity under Italian Somaliland. Somalis always handle affairs through clan mediation. Clan is superior in Somalia.

What's the point of unity when there's no institutions? It makes no sense. 26 years of chaos and Somalis still harp on about unity, nationalism, Somalinimo, qaran when there are 0 institutions to speak of to this day; still.
When did this become about commenting on Somaliland?:draketf:

Somaliland has been trying to achieve independence for 26 years and you applaud them. Others have believed in unity & Somalinimo and suddenly that's unrealistic?:drakekidding:

And Somalia isn't where it's at because of unity and Somalinimo, but because of the lack of those two things. You're mistaking the principle of cause and correlation.

We've all seen what Somalinimo can achieve. Only tribal leaders desperate for power will deny it to their people.

We've also seen what can happen when the Somalinimo breaks down, which is why it's important to keep building it back up.


As i live and breathe
And why does it bother you if Puntland handles its own affairs? Midnimo dooni meyno :fittytousand: midnimadada futada iska geli.

You just compared Somalia to the US. You think Texas answers to no one? This primitive tribalism is seriously holding back our people.


When did this become about commenting on Somaliland?:draketf:

Somaliland has been trying to achieve independence for 26 years and you applaud them. Others have believed in unity & Somalinimo and suddenly that's unrealistic?:drakekidding:

And Somalia isn't where it's at because of unity and Somalinimo, but because of the lack of those two things. You're mistaking the principle of cause and correlation.

We've all seen what Somalinimo can achieve. Only tribal leaders desperate for power will deny it to their people.

We've also seen what can happen when the Somalinimo breaks down, which is why it's important to keep building it back up.
What does Somalinimo even mean?


Ibnu Suxuufi Ibnu Al Dhoobe
Walle dadkani wayba waalan yihiin. War heedhaha huhaada naga joojiya. Somalis are foking dirt poor without a pot to piss in. Both berbera and bosaaso are shitty dilapidated ports who needed this more than ever. All we did with these ports was export goats and import food aid. This type of investment is the biggest game changer in the horn. Us and our children will benefit extremely from having a say in what happens in this trade route 30 years from now. I also have a strong feeling that UAE is interested in both SL and PL oil/mineral potential. There's no major extraction of minerals without building proper logistical routes. So there has to be some hidden benefit in it for the uae, aside from limiting China influence.

Anyway there's nothing like development of infrastructure. It's a big step forward to establishing a middle class back home
Eedo Your a Somali women meel iska fadhiiso maxaa ku dhibeey? you have no qabiil anyway and like all other Somali women you have honour in our eyes.

That's why 90% of our intermarriage is your women and our men, why do you think that's the case?

You have no male's with dignity pride or honour that's why, reer bermuda are the biggest fucking beta cucks everywhere you go even on this very forum, waliba the champions of gaalinimo bila xishood

You never see these types of bakhti's amongst us due to our upbringings, waxno ha is waalin you will likely end up with one of us anyway likely many before you :ftw9nwa:

Beta? What is Habar Gaajo after being owned and slapped around by them since the beginning of time?

No, it's because Hutu men like to dilute their blood with Daarood blood and constantly mention their links to Daarood.
You see Daarood women as a status symbol whilst Daarood men prefer marrying their own women, second choice is maybe Dir due to history, but Hutu? Not really mate.

It's pretty sad, you don't even realise that Daarood families, especially Puntite ones, hold little tacsi gatherings when one of their children brings a hutu home.

But keep bragging about your men hunting down MJ women for marriage. :mjlol:
Little do you know MJ and Daarood women don't even like marrying HALF Hutus.


No, it's because Hutu men like to dilute their blood with Daarood blood and constantly mention their links to Daarood.
You see Daarood women as a status symbol whilst Daarood men prefer marrying their own women, second choice is maybe Dir due to history, but Hutu? Not really mate.

It's pretty sad, you don't even realise that Daarood families, especially Puntite ones, hold little tacsi gatherings when one of their children brings a hutu home.

But keep bragging about your men hunting down MJ women for marriage. :mjlol:
Look at Ilhan Omar's retarded husband, he's known for being her husband and he thinks he's MJ by marriage akhaas. :icon lol:

Wallahi you are right about tacsi gatherings. I went to one of them when I was 5 with my ayeyo :icon lol:
Let us hope that the deal does not give Ethiopia any share in Bosaso.
This makes control over SSC even more important for Puntland because any potential route to Ethiopia will have to go through SSC towards K5.

Bosaso can do 2 things:
1- Export livestock from the south, Puntland and K5
2- Service Ethiopia's bulk import needs.

New roads are needed for both of those things to happen.
So you wanna steal Ethiopia right after Somaliland proposed with their 19% meher:siilaanyolaugh:

I think livestock export would fit nicely. Establish trade relations with Asia so that we won't have to deal with Saudi Arabia and their occasional bans. Also this way livestock can be sold instead of left to die during droughts.
Look at Ilhan Omar's retarded husband, he's known for being her husband and he thinks he's MJ by marriage akhaas. :icon lol:

Wallahi you are right about tacsi gatherings. I went to one of them when I was 5 with my ayeyo :icon lol:

Walahi even the Habar Gaajo elders on somnet like Abdiwahab constantly talk about some imaginary Majeerteen ayeeyo or mother in law.
They think they can become Daarood Gob by association.
They are OBSESSED. Can you blame them though. Puntite Queens. Their husbands take THEIR names. Abaayo Inquisitive is Mrs Maxamoud Saleebaan.:wow1:


As i live and breathe
Waryahee sii fiican ii dhegayso midnimo dooni meyno :fittytousand:

Puntland is based on tribalism, let's not kid ourselves. Most of these regions are separating themselves based on clans. It is as @Prince of Hobyo said, there is no single decentralized successful state in the world. Somalia will never amount to anything in the country you envision.
Beta? What is Habar Gaajo after being owned and slapped around by them since the beginning of time?

No, it's because Hutu men like to dilute their blood with Daarood blood and constantly mention their links to Daarood.
You see Daarood women as a status symbol whilst Daarood men prefer marrying their own women, second choice is maybe Dir due to history, but Hutu? Not really mate.

It's pretty sad, you don't even realise that Daarood families, especially Puntite ones, hold little tacsi gatherings when one of their children brings a hutu home.

But keep bragging about your men hunting down MJ women for marriage. :mjlol:
Little do you know MJ and Daarood women don't even like marrying HALF Hutus.

Sxb we dont want your gaalo women maybe start building masjids to combat the rampamt gaalos in your clan

Darood closer to dir than hawiye? :dead::dead:
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