#BlueRevolution reaches Awdal state as militia arises! Hoogay!


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
The #BlueRevolution cannot be stopped!! People are saying Gooni isu taag dooni maayno!


Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL
My god you guys actually retarded and spewing lies with no xishood



Imagine posting videos of something that happened 2-3 years ago and passing it off as a revolution. Some of you guys are so cringe, it's really embarrassing.
The only eventful thing that's been happening in Awdal in the past few weeks was collecting voter registration cards for future elections.


This guy in particular has no shame. Even though you showed that, he'll continue unhinged. Just watch for yourself. Truth doesn't matter.
The first video is fake I know but what do u have to say of the rest, are they fake?


The first video is fake I know but what do u have to say of the rest, are they fake?

They're all fake, not one is legit lol. Crazy how someone can easily spread fake news and people believe it. It's actually fascinating. They're all old videos of incidences that have happened years ago that has now been resolved


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Imagine posting videos of something that happened 2-3 years ago and passing it off as a revolution. Some of you guys are so cringe, it's really embarrassing.
The only eventful thing that's been happening in Awdal in the past few weeks was collecting voter registration cards for future elections.
Stop denying the #AwdalWarCrimes by the Biihi regime! You are a sheegato Jibril Abokor from Gabiley with a Samaroon mom! You Deny the Dilla massacre and current on going crisis, you cant stop #BlueRevolution!

The real reer awdal have spoken!


Stop denying the #AwdalWarCrimes by the Biihi regime! You are a sheegato Jibril Abokor from Gabiley with a Samaroon mom! You Deny the Dilla massacre and current on going crisis, you cant stop #BlueRevolution!

The real reer awdal have spoken!

You're the one posting videos from years ago passing it off as blue wave lol.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
You're the one posting videos from years ago passing it off as blue wave lol.
AwBarre aka Hawdian go back to mereja forums you think I dont know who you are? I know you are HA now exit my thread the real reer Samaroon are sadly missing from this forum like DjibSomali, Rooble90 legends of somnet and would karbaash the Iidoor.

Somali Saayid

Currently high on hopium
I'm waiting for full confirmation from people like Suldan I. Mohamed. CBB don't always do the best checks on info.


Good on Awdal. As a unionist state, u will be given full federal rights and your own state. Zaylac can be your future port, Borama ur govt capital. Only samaroon will progress Samaroon not Isaaq. Isaaq won't help your state. A self governing samaroon state is the only solution.

Don't listen to snm hider nicks who say SL is better 4 them, why wud self governing samaroon state, recognized by the SFG, doing it's own development n being independent, why is that worse yet being under Isaaq is better?

It makes no sense some of the arguments these snm hider nicks use.
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Maqal herder | Burco boodhweyn.
Good on Awdal. As a unionist state, u will be given full federal rights and your own state. Zaylac can be your future port, Borama ur govt capital. Only samaroon will progress Samaroon not Isaaq. Isaaq won't help your state. A self governing samaroon state is the only solution.

Don't listen to snm hider nicks who say SL is better 4 them, why wud self governing samaroon state, recognized by the SFG, doing it's own development n being independent, why is that worse yet being under Isaaq is better?

It makes no sense some of the arguments these snm hider nicks use.
Isn't the rule 2 or more gobols?
Lol my mom is in boorama, there’s no revolution I’m afraid, there’s no point for us, we are more likely to protest in joining Djibouti, Somalia is too far away from us, ssc have more stake in Somalia than us