Betraying Islam: Humza Yousaf, Takfir & the LGBTQ+ Agenda

A list of Humza Yousaf’s kufri statements, as well as his unequivocal support for haram policies relating to relationships, gender, sexuality, abortion, and children’s education.

1. Support for abortion rights up to birth:

2. Support for the Gender Reform Bill. What is the Gender Recognition Reform Bill?

3. HY has said more than “25 times” that he believes in same-sex marriage, and sees “no difference between a homosexual marriage and my own marriage”.

4. HY has said that he does not believe gay sex is a sin, while acknowledging that he “can’t change scripture”.

5. HY said he will ban gay conversion therapy — this is therapy for homosexuals to convert back to heterosexuality.

6. On LGBTQ rights and education, HY told Pink News that he would not just defend the rights of LGBT people but “absolutely advance them in a progressively, socially just Scotland”.

7. HY has also committed to continuing the SNP’s and his predecessor’s unequivocal support for teaching pro-LGBT education in Scottish primary schools to children as young as five.
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If only many of you defended the religion of Islam like you defend or celebrate secular, liberal, pro-murder (abortion), pro-adultery, pro-gender fluidity, pro-LGBTQ+ advocacy and pro-rejection of Islamic law Muslims with political power (and non-Muslims) we would probably not be in this situation.

Political power has instrumental value in Islam. It is not sought for its sake, it is sought to establish the Islamic way of life and to make Allah's word the highest.

In some contexts it can be sought to increase the benefits for the Muslims and Islam and to remove or lessen any harms (in reality this is a mercy for all people, Muslim or not). In the current debate I cannot see the benefits outweighing the harms, in fact it is self-sabotage.

Being silent on someone who will be used as a poster boy to destroy Islam, Muslim families and common decency in the West is an act of ignorance, short-term thinking and it can be seen as an attack on the Muslim community.

In fact, it sends a message to Muslims that the only way to engage politically in the West and to attain political authority is by rejecting core aspects of Islam.

Be careful people, it can be a sign of cowardice and a betrayal of the Prophetic way. I feel it can also be a sign of a post-colonial complex. Note: this is not an endorsement of the excumunication of anyone. More detailed thoughts will follow, in-shā-a-Allāh.

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