Bernie Sanders Is Hospitalized


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
trumps face looks worse than Bernie in the pic you provided plus he is in his 80s they both are so why even bring up age as if its to your betterment


again u r young. In america looks can be deceiving i am not in my 20s or 30s, yet i look like 21. I did my best to deceive the world by maintaining my body, my teeth, my everything alhamdhulilaaah

looks and the optics are everything, I am on show 24/7 i am NEVER "real"



again u r young. In america looks can be deceiving i am not in my 20s or 30s, yet i look like 21. I did my best to deceive the world by maintaining my body, my teeth, my everything alhamdhulilaaah

looks and the optics are everything, I am on show 24/7 i am NEVER "real"


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
Never vote for an indhoyar sxb

I agree!
Even if that was the case, they don’t have enough votes to keep trump out. Whole counties trump turned blue from 2012 are not filled with farmers lol.

The economy being good is enough to keep those counties and enough for trump being re elected. Trump not going down for all the shxt he spewed and done is enough to predict that he will keep the battleground states if the economy doesn’t crash, which it won’t.

Trump wins

People underestimate this. It really depends on who the nominee is.

If it's Biden, Trump barely wins. If it's Warren or Harris, he'll demolish them. The only one I see beating him handily is Bernie Sanders.

If we're speaking purely on economic measures, the economy rebounded massively under Obama's first term and yet he lost ground and had to have a populist bent to his campaign to win re-election.
People underestimate this. It really depends on who the nominee is.

If it's Biden, Trump barely wins. If it's Warren or Harris, he'll demolish them. The only one I see beating him handily is Bernie Sanders.

If we're speaking purely on economic measures, the economy rebounded massively under Obama's first term and yet he lost ground and had to have a populist bent to his campaign to win re-election.
I think people really underestimate how hard it is to beat a sitting president. They almost always win if the economy is not in the shitter.

I think Bernie would of beaten him if he wasn’t robbed of the dem nomination, I’m not so sure now. Even with all his populist stances.

Romney campaign were confident of a win but its another story when people get in the booth. All it takes for people to re elect a president is thinking, “ hey, the economy is fine” “my life is not worse now that it was before” “he keeps me safe”

I think trump can do that in the battleground states.
I think people really underestimate how hard it is to beat a sitting president. They almost always win if the economy is not in the shitter.

I think Bernie would of beaten him if he wasn’t robbed of the dem nomination, I’m not so sure now. Even with all his populist stances.

Romney campaign were confident of a win but its another story when people get in the booth. All it takes for people to re elect a president is thinking, “ hey, the economy is fine” “my life is not worse now that it was before” “he keeps me safe”

I think trump can do that in the battleground states.

You're right from a historical perspective.

But I don't think the historical traditions and the past data apply to Trump. This is really new territory. There's a little more than 12 months. Even if the economy goes into the toilet because of the trade-war, mass layoffs start to occur as businesses/consumers pullback, there's a large contingent of the population that will vote for Trump no matter what. They worship him and would sooner abolish congress and crown Trump emperor if it's feasible. These people don't care about the intricacies of tariffs vs free-trade or GDP and unemployment numbers.

Because of that, you just can't count him out in 2020 no matter how bad it gets or who the democratic nominee is.


Wishing him speedy recovery :it0tdo8::it0tdo8:
I will definitely vote for him..if he pulls out I will vote Trump :trumpsmirk:

