Beesha Somali Bantu are crying for justice

If the man is inncoent then 100% he should be released and his accusers punished. But ppl need to be certain before jumping to anyones defence. You never know what the truth is without all the facts.
I have heard many lies the Somali bantu have said about Somalis. Everything from they ruled many Somali kingdoms and are the original kangz, were never enslaved , held lots of land and were disposed by jealous somalis and then wonder why ppl dislike them.


Puntland Youth Organiser
FKD Visionary
If someone geniunly cares about bantus - they would encourage them to return peacefully and safely to their ancestral homeland where they'll live in peace.

Too much Cushitic blood shed since 91' for me to give a shyt about them ngl
I genuinely don't understand why they have not gone to Tanzania . It's their ancestral home, safer , more developed etc. Some ppl (not all) enjoy complaining about being mistreated instead of improving their lives.

He’s crying because Als has his pops locked up for refusing to payback the money he owned which is apparently $200k. These folks should go seek residency in Tanzania and the kakuma refugee camps in Kenya where their early Idp waves ran off to.
I genuinely don't understand why they have not gone to Tanzania . It's their ancestral home, safer , more developed etc. Some ppl (not all) enjoy complaining about being mistreated instead of improving their lives.


Great plan, we safely and Legally repatriate them back to their ancestral lands so they’re no longer a demographic “threat” people complain about. We get to secure our majority demographics and they get to reside in a better place, It’s a win win situation for everyone, we should take advantage of it.
I genuinely don't understand why they have not gone to Tanzania . It's their ancestral home, safer , more developed etc. Some ppl (not all) enjoy complaining about being mistreated instead of improving their lives.


You are absolutely delusional.

Somali people need to be studied by all the world's intellectuals. A people who historically have had so little, and who have lost what little they had in the past few decades, but have this bizarre fantastical sense of superiority and inflated ego.
Great plan, we safely and Legally repatriate them back to their ancestral lands so they’re no longer a demographic “threat” people complain about. We secure our majority demographics and they get to reside in a better place, It’s a win win situation, we should take advantage of it.

Meanwhile you're leaching the West whilst sipping on subsidised caano. :gucciwhat:


Carpe diem cras.
They need to defend themselves crying on national TV does nothing , they are already hated for no reason now give them a real reason to hate you.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
They need to defend themselves crying on national TV does nothing , they are already hated for no reason now give them a real reason to hate you.
They are easy identifable and wont stand a chance against the heartless Geeljire


Carpe diem cras.
They are easy identifable and wont stand a chance against the heartless Geeljire

They have the numbers to cause serious damage to their enemies they choose not to and this is what happens. If they dropped the pacifist nonsense it wouldn't be long before they are treated with the respect they deserve
Where in Somalia? I would encourage them to settle in their own villages in the south, the ones in PL should go back there too and build it. Sad video though, first they are burned now this?
He was arrested by Al Shabaab, not by the local authorities in lower Shabelle. He was a guarantor in a business dispute, his side failed to uphold their commitment which made him liable to make up for that failure. The Khawarij often mediate disputes through their courts in territories under their influence.



Everyone here replying telling to leave the country they were born all sound like the racist white supremacists who I clearly remember telling us the same thing.

Stop picking on people you consider lower than you when we considerably have nothing to brag about & claim superiority over anyone.