Bantu majority provinces in Somalia

Can we drop couple thousand habar gidir cayrs in every district that's bantu majority?
These niggas know how to make a town their own.
When the f*ck did waamo become this diverse wtf perhaps a new batch of harti must be sent there


Y’all deserted the south. No wonder other people are taking your place 😅

And Waamo is in Lower Jubba, while these madows live mainly in Jilib and Jamame, i.e. Middle Jubba (and along the river).
We need reer @bidenkulaha to get to work. I'd rather share a country and a government with @bidenkulaha even though I don't like his anti Puntland views than these machete wielding Madowweyne who see all ethnic Somalis as their enemy.
@bidenkulaha save us brother! We need your expertise put to good use. Instead of going after Barawe and other geeljire lands, perhaps go expand into madowewayne lands so they can go back to Tanzania or whereever they came from.