Bakool State of Somalia

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No I'm a guy.
sorry bruh
This explains why it was breaking news on Jubaland media. This is too much, Somalis are too divided. Honestly.
right now everybody is trying to have there cake and eat it two
in 1 group you have people who want to create states based on qabils while others are trying to land grab and claim regions to make a state.
one way to solve this is to stop using the 18 regions siyaad barre created to make a state and start drawing up clan states without regions requirements:nvjpqts:
the second is to scrab the whole idea of states and start using regions representive the regions already exist anyways:nvjpqts:
the third is central government :nvjpqts:
am fine with either 3:browtf:


sorry bruh

right now everybody is trying to have there cake and eat it two
in 1 group you have people who want to create states based on qabils while others are trying to land grab and claim regions to make a state.
one way to solve this is to stop using the 18 regions siyaad barre created to make a state and start drawing up clan states without regions requirements:nvjpqts:
the second is to scrab the whole idea of states and start using regions representive the regions already exist anyways:nvjpqts:
the third is central government :nvjpqts:
am fine with either 3:browtf:

I say one region called Somalia and anyone sick enough to try and kick a clan out for crossing a border in their own country needs the FRYING CHAIR.

So does this mean that whoever has the most states will get the biggest share from national revenues/investments?


I say one region called Somalia and anyone sick enough to try and kick a clan out for crossing a border in their own country needs the FRYING CHAIR.
not quite the problem that exist with central government is all the government money will go to building xamar while ignoring other regions one of the reasons people rebelled on siyaad barre was he was putting all the money into xamar he even ignored his clans men land thats why today nearly all of darod land has little to no infostructure. despite how people call him qabilist he mainly built xamar a place called barbera and hargaise and sometimes kismayo.
So does this mean that whoever has the most states will get the biggest share from national revenues/investments?
not quite you besically get money on how much people are in the area you claim.
ex i told you about mj sabotaging us the reason is greed even thoe if they got out of the way another darod state would form they dont care about darod or how many states it got they just care about stealing money today they claim the dhulbahante land and aid money that meant to build the area no body sees the money their fat politians eat the money the isaaq does the same thing.:ninja:
is not black and white or darod vs hawiye is more complicated


Why isn't Khaatumo a state yet if OG can claim just Bakool?

I see MJ as their own clan. Always seemed that way.


Why isn't Khaatumo a state yet if OG can just claim Bakool?
the ogadens can proclaim but it wont change much tbh i dont even know why they would wan indepedente state when jubbaland exist they could add the areas they live on to jubbaland the sw crew dont even control the ogaden areas.
as for us well is one thing to claim something is another to get recognition to get money from the un.
as for us we claim it two doesnt change anything ex mj has close to 0 control over dhulos areas but yet steal money by claiming it to be honest we get some recogintion for our existance small aid money ones in a while but large majority of it stolen by two groups neigboring us most of our area we control but doesnt really change shit:kobeok:
things are looking up now thoe with mj failures comes our success i expect more trouble for them in the future:kanyeshrug:
What a buch of blind mice cant you not see?

They planned another Galkacyo 2 But actually its Shilaabo 2siilaanyolaugh


@bandit That's because you don't make anywhere near as much noise. You need websites, push pro khaatumo xildhibaans into villa Somalia, have a million celebrations of khaatumo day, utilise the Garaad as the King of Khaatumo. You're not doing enough and you need a binding Warsangeli Dhulbahante allegiance.


@bandit That's because you don't make anywhere near as much noise. You need websites, push pro khaatumo xildhibaans into villa Somalia, have a million celebrations of khaatumo day, utilise the Garaad as the King of Khaatumo. You're not doing enough and you need a binding Warsangeli Dhulbahante allegiance.
that wont do shit:damedamn:
this wont end peacefully but through blood shed is not our time yet we'll wait for our opportunity:damedamn:
i side tracked this thread long enough:damedamn:


I prefer flags and songs. You guys don't have the numbers against all of Isaaq. Alright kid bye.


I prefer flags and songs. You guys don't have the numbers against all of Isaaq. Alright kid bye.
there's no isaaq to fight but section of dhulbahante known for being dhabodhilif in reality our enemies are couple of thousands ethoipia has a nice leash on mj and isaaq they wont let it escalate but in small chance it does we should stock pile on weapons like anti amor weapons and mines:ftw9nwa:


So who was firing into the crowd not celebrating May 18? Was that Dhulbahante working for Somaliland?


So who was firing into the crowd not celebrating May 18? Was that Dhulbahante working for Somaliland?
more than likely the folks who captured las anod in 07 were 2 dhulos sub clans who own land rights to the las anod area and are majority of the town most of my sub clan abandon it back in 07 the ones getting shot are probabily other dhulos sub clans who feel trapped:browtf:


Wtf no way. That's outrageous. Bandit stay with us Southies, just forget waqooyi it's a weird place.


Wtf no way. That's outrageous. Bandit stay with us Southies, just forget waqooyi it's a weird place.
my sub clan in dhulos is the one fight them so i have no choice:damsel:
we attacked las anod back in 2012 but mj and isaaq work together to stop us:francis:
this khatumo vs somaliland thing is two dhulos sub clans called
ugaryahan siyaad vs jamac siyaad:francis:
the las anod place is a jamac siyaad and baharsame territory while ugaryahan siyaad mainly live in xudun district taleh district and sanaag:damsel:


What do they get from being in Somaliland when they could have more freedom and control under Khaatumo? I don't get why they'd choose to be marginalised.


What do they get from being in Somaliland when they could have more freedom and control under Khaatumo? I don't get why they'd choose to be marginalised.
dhulos has 2 important sub clans called mohamud garad and farah garad 80% of dhulbahante come from these 2 sub clans
the farah garad has 2 important sub sub clan there named ahmed garad and baharsame
while mohamud garad is also same but the 2 sub clans are called ugaryahan siyaad and jamac siyaad
ugaryahan siyaad are the anti isaaq and dont mix with while the jamac siyaad are pro isaaq and border and mix with them alot
these jamac siyaad guys have the gene called dhabodhilif in them in all history when dhulbahante fighting none dhulbahante they would always side with the enemy back in the dervish day they were one of the the main ones helping the british while ugaryahan siyaad were the last ones to support the dervish in the dying days hence why taleh was the last stand and the biggest forte:ninja:
like i told you before ugaryahan siyaad tend to be anti isaaq political wise side darod or mj while the jamac siyaad the opposite
most of the 2000s mjland controlled most dhulos areas since we were majority allign with them but inside dhulos mj favored the ugaryahan siyaad sub clans so the jamac siyaad who lived in las anod and outside werent happy also another group called baharsame who live in south las anod district and las anod werent happy the baharsame have alot of border wars with mj so they tend to dislike mj so being marginalised made them even more angry:ftw9nwa:
so in 2007 when mjland was sending men to xamar to fight the icu they left las anod with few men the isaaq saw the oppertunity and made a deal with some baharsame and there usual lackeys jamac siyaad and captured las anod ugaryahan civilians pulled of las anod and that was that:ninja:
some baharsame have sided with us today but are small minority
for jamac siyaad the last 8 years is the best is gonna get for them you gotta understand if everything is done fairly they would be small and overshadowed by us if isaaq lose they lose they would become irralivent in dhulos politics while we would be dominate over other dhulos:vo3yidw:
if isaaq wins=jamac siyaad wins
if khatumo wins=ugaryahan wins
if somalia wins=ugaryahan wins


I'd choose my clan over other people if the other option was being marginalized in someone else's state. Mucjiso. I hope Somalia or Khaatumo win.


I'd choose my clan over other people if the other option was being marginalized in someone else's state. Mucjiso. I hope Somalia or Khaatumo win.
i personally dont like them and would love to see them wiped out:ahh:
what's funny is the khatumo seats is evenly destributed between all dhulos but even that didnt change there mind:camby:
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