Azerbaijan won the war with Armenia


To keep your balance, you must keep moving.
Azerbaijan just captured the most important city in Karabakh: Shusha. They did it without the help of drones due to bad weather and fog in the mountains. After this, all other remaining areas will fall like dominos. The road connecting Karabakh to Armenia is also severed. It is over for the Armenians.

Here is what the pro-Armenian French Le Monde reported about the state of the Armenian troops that were defending Shusha:

"Translation from French

The Azerbaijani forces have reached the historic city, a major target of the offensive launched on September 27 by Baku. The intense fighting turned to their advantage.

Shushi's defenders are in tatters. Crowded on top of each other in the backs of military ambulances, they land by dozens, wounded, bloody, exhausted, at Stepanakert hospital in the valley.

Others descend from the mountain, haggard, not knowing if they will resume the fight. Along the route, packages were hastily abandoned by units under artillery and sniper fire.

It looks a lot like a day of breakup. Even if Stepanakert’s power belies him, the battle for Shushi seemed to turn on the evening of Friday 6 November to the advantage of the Azerbaijani forces.

( The rest of the article is paid )"

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To keep your balance, you must keep moving.
Right now the remaining Armenian civilians are fleeing Karabakh to Armenia through the only open road in the north.



To keep your balance, you must keep moving.
The Truks have their revenge
Putin called Erdogan today to discuss Karabakh. Iran has deployed mobile military river-crossing equipment to its border with Azerbaijan and Armenia.

I think Russia and Iran are worried that Azerbaijan might cross into Armenia proper and cut off Iran from Armenia. Azerbaijan has every right to do so as the regular Armenian army is fighting inside Karabakh and Azerbaijan is being attacked by rockets and artillery from the Armenia proper territory.

Russia and Iran want to prevent Turkey and Azerbaijan from connecting territorially.
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Somali chauvinist
Putin called Erdogan today to discuss Karabakh. Iran has deployed mobile military river-crossing equipment to its border with Azerbaijan and Armenia.

I think Russia and Iran are worried that Azerbaijan might cross into Armenia proper and cut off Iran from Armenia. Azerbaijan has every right to do so as the regular Armenian army is fighting inside Karabakh and Azerbaijan is being attacked by rockets and artillery from the Armenia proper territory.

Russia and Iran want to prevent Turkey and Azerbaijan from connecting territorially.

Azerbaijan won't go in to Armenian territory. The are not stupid. Right now they are winning because they are fighting on their territory. The international community is on their side. If they invade Armenia the Russians are forced to response because of the defence pact.


To keep your balance, you must keep moving.
Azerbaijan won't go in to Armenian territory. The are not stupid. Right now they are winning because they are fighting on their territory. The international community is on their side. If they invade Armenia the Russians are forced to response because of the defence pact.
Russia won't step in if the Azeri attack was in self-defense and because of aggression from Armenia.

Few days ago Azerbaijan destroyed missile launching sites inside Armenia in response to its cities being attacked by Armenia. Russia stayed silent.

Russia's goal is to not provoke Turkey and force Erdogan to set up a full-fledged Turkish base in Azerbaijan


It's all so tiresome
Turkey and Azerbaijan will probably be encouraged now that America is back in town.

Expect things to calm down until after inaugurations. The game has now resumed after a 4 year hiatus.


Somali chauvinist
Russia won't step in if the Azeri attack was in self-defense and because of aggression from Armenia.

Few days ago Azerbaijan destroyed missile launching sites inside Armenia in response to its cities being attacked by Armenia. Russia stayed silent.

Russia's goal is to not provoke Turkey and force Erdogan to set up a full-fledged Turkish base in Azerbaijan

Destroying sites that are used to attack your country is allowed under international law. Azerbaijan will retake Karabakh and they will stop at the Armenian border.

Turkey and Azerbaijan see themselves as one country, two nations. Turkey will just arm Azerbaijan. They see the Azerbaijan army as an extension of themselves.

Azerbaijan could not have retaken Karabakh without Turkeys' support. The lessons that Turkey has learned in Iraq, Syria, and Libya have been taught to Azerbaijan. That is why they seem to win so easily.


To keep your balance, you must keep moving.
Destroying sites that are used to attack your country is allowed under international law. Azerbaijan will retake Karabakh and they will stop at the Armenian border.

Turkey and Azerbaijan see themselves as one country, two nations. Turkey will just arm Azerbaijan. They see the Azerbaijan army as an extension of themselves.

Azerbaijan could not have retaken Karabakh without Turkeys' support. The lessons that Turkey has learned in Iraq, Syria, and Libya have been taught to Azerbaijan. That is why they seem to win so easily.
Yes, this is the most likely scenario. But Russia and Iran are taking precautions. Russian border guards are already deployed on the Armenian side of the border.They can't effectively defend the line in case of the Azeri incursion but act as a deterrent.

By the way, reference to the international law can be used the other way around. Otherwise Russia wouldn't be able to be inside the Republic of Georgia occupying two big chunks of it. The same goes for the Turkish occupation of big parts of Syria. Under the international law, Kosovo should still be part of Serbia. The question is whose interpretation of international law prevails? It is really upto each country and its powerful backers.

I agree if Turkey did not forcefully intervene in Karabakh on the Azeri side, Armenia would've never lost. They were too well armed with some serious weaponry and well defied defense lines. Russian covert troops would've been there too.

I believe as long as the Republic of Georgia stays in the Turkish sphere allowing the land connection of Azerbaijan and Turkey through its territory, Armenia proper won't lose territory. That little strip of land that separates Azerbaijan from its Nahichevan region was given to Armenia by Russia to severe Turkey's geographic tie to the Turkic Central Asia. Naturally Azerbaijan wants to return its long gone land.

Turkey has land connection to Nahichevan and is the guardian of that Azeri region under the century old agreement with Russia. So, the "one people, two nation" slogan is not new.

Modern Armenian borders is really a Russian project.

Azerbaijan in 1920:
Azerbaijan 1920.jpg

Azerbaijan in 2020:
I heard somewhere armenia did not send its military into karabakh officially. instead it was the military of the self declared government of artsakh that was doing the fighting with support from armenia with weapons other meaningless things. Furthermore even Armenia doesnt even recognise it.


To keep your balance, you must keep moving.
I read somewhere armenia did not send its military into karabakh proper, instead it was the military of the self declared governments artsakh that was doing the fighting with support from armenia with weapons. Furthermore even Armenia doesnt even recognise it.
It was 100% Armenian army in action supplied with free Russian weapons. The Armenian population of Karabakh was around 150k a month ago. Such a small populace can't have so many weapons and active military of such magnitude. Most of Armenian army tanks were stationed in Karabakh, something like over 70-80%. The military command was from Erevan too. And negotiations were also done by Armenia, not Karabakh.

Prime Minister

Somali Promotion Agent
There's something wrong with the Armenians they are denying everything I suspect if they sue for peace now there will be a regime change in Yerevan due to this.


smooth talk on a rainy summer evening
Guys Horta answer my question.
As a Muslim, who’s side should I have been on?
As a Somali who should I root for?
What was the war about. What does turkey have to do with it



To keep your balance, you must keep moving.
Guys Horta answer my question.
As a Muslim, who’s side should I have been on?
As a Somali who should I root for?
What was the war about. What does turkey have to do with it

1 & 2: Armenians and Azeris are native of that land. We shouldn't be rooting for any of them as each has its own truth and it is hard to not agree with them both.

3a. Karabakh was predominantly Armenian with large Azeri presence but was ruled by Azeris for centuries. It was never part of Armenia proper, but rather under Azeri rule as part of Iran and later part of Russia.

3b. Turkey was training and equipping the Azeri army by Nato standards for decades. When Armenia attacked the Azeri gas pipeline last summer close to the Azei border with Georgia, it was a turning point for Erdogan. Really this war was re-started and successfully executed because of Erdogan's craziness.

Erdogan really humiliated Russia and got even with Putin for meddling in his backyard, Syria.


To keep your balance, you must keep moving.
There's something wrong with the Armenians they are denying everything I suspect if they sue for peace now there will be a regime change in Yerevan due to this.
Armenian leadership is out of touch with reality. I agree there is no way Pashinyan can continue ruling in Armenia from now on. He will resign and flee or be assassinated. The Armenian army is in shatters as most of it was located in Karabakh. The loss of Karabakh will be a deep wound for the Armenians to carry on for centuries.
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