Grigori Rasputin
Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
I will not accept and my children will not accept the normalization of Pedo and Incest like @AussieHustler is pushing us to do
Look even at young age the cadaan girl wants to be the leader, making up the games and asking others to follow. Why couldn’t little Khadijah do that?
That's feri feri cute. But I wish the dad was not so excited. Annoying.
They raise their kids to have confidence whereas somali/black/other ethnic kids are raised in fear and strictness. White parents will be like “oh, do you want t try that?” Somali parents “waryaa hadda ka so dag, daaaaay, alllah maanta wu kal jabi lahaa kan”Look even at young age the cadaan girl wants to be the leader, making up the games and asking others to follow. Why couldn’t little Khadijah do that?
Sax waa yaab since cadans teach their kidz to hate everyoneHe wants cookies for being a normal regular dad. Here Justin.
walahi you're nigga looks just like himwar wuxuu waa more obese and cadaaan version of @4head
Loool you must host dumarka wacan only@R.Kelly
Hi Sxb, since I refused to host you in Australia (I only host dumarka wacan) you've started an insidious character assassination campaign against me. Waa caadi.
Loool but they will karbash him there if he did as odeys here are not friend and will fight you if yoy disrespect them plus they got bistolads now