I never really paid attention to Awdal before cause I thought it was one of those 'online movements' kkkkk or 'diaspora' shit. These niggas are armed up, it's REAL
I thought they were unarmed 'awdal' people and dependent on SL army? SL is just a shitty state built on 'mirage'. Everything they say just shows it's the opposite. Where the hub ka dhigis they claim when HY/Awdal have their arms in tact kkkkkkk
I finally figured out why Borame has the best academics in Somalia. These niggas built 'adal' in the 14th century, they were the brainpower behind it, cause the 'port' was 'zaylac' and the capital 'harar'. They wud use the Zaylac port or trade needs with the old world which was highly religious era, it wasn't a kingdom era, it was 'dark ages' in Europe who were going around spreading christianity. It was the disgusting era where the pope had full power religiously and government wise.
The peasants were told to eat 'suugo' and live in HUTS, yes it was HUTS for peasants, the upper class or royals were allowed to live in castles. But the royals were weakened by the pope rule as the controlled the whole western europe as the final authority, but the royals were allowed to manage their 'territories'. In this era it wasn't about nation state like today, it was about creating states on religious identity like @Cognitivedissonance loves, this nigga is stuck in the dark ages kkkkk
Anyways I give props, made love to DIR for creating the ADAL sultanates, it was literally our former Somalia, all Somalis lived in their own regions and had their own 'garaads' or whatever kingdom title and managed their own chunk of land, it was highly FEDERAL, more proof Somalis are not centralized society. Darods ruled it though, especially the scum Nur Mujahid who eventually caused the down-fall in 10 years like he did Somalia state in 91. Notice Sade never creates the state, he comes later and does a coup or some wild shit. Hirabu was the same.
I noticed the 'dir' in the document were up in arms doing checkpoints and rebel movement. It's identical to rebel groups who took up arms against siyad. They knew he was a fake president. I see the legacy left in Adal, why else do they have good academic institutions in comparison to the rest of the nation? plus the time 'adal' was created is identical to when 'darod' arrived 14th Century. They seemed to have welcomed us and given us a nice chunk of land is my suspicion and wife doonbiro.
Shame on any hawiye or darod claiming Adal...Wa sheeko dhex taal hararis and awdalites noone else cause the port was zaylac and the capital harar. Hawiye is referred to distinct region, Marehan is also, harti is.
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