AUN Young Somali died in UK



Why is choosing Palestine Ok when Somalis suffer more than the Palestinians? It’s understandable if they’ve argued that Somalis hate one another and wouldn’t contribute to others in strife in other regions, but how about those Somalis in refugee camps or are internally displaced? The Somali Society of the UOB could’ve nominated one of the Somali refugee camps in Kenya or Ethiopia or the internally displaced camps to contribute something valuable to them. Helping the children in those camps with water sanitation, education or health services would’ve been more worthy than planting olive trees in Palestine. They made a terrible call.

Arabs are the best Muslims- fighting for their causes draws us closer to heaven


@AussieHustler its true, why are you laughing? Rather than travelling to Somalia to do aid work, many Somalis left Europe, Australia and America to help Syrian fighters by offering up their lives and vaginas. We have been crying about Palestine for decades now despite being in a much more seriously dire position than them. We spend money to boost Saudis economy for pilgrimages but when we go to a Somali owned shop we haggle their prices.

We laugh at madows for being slaves but Somalis are mentally enslaved without even knowing so. If the people in the Congo sent money to Denmark so they could buy olives we would laugh at them. Somalis are the most cursed nation of the world, I wonder what are ancestors did to deserve this.
AUN. This thread got derailed pretty bad. Shameless people.
People complaining abt why an organization didn’t help Somalia, how abt you make your own and help out the people your are so desperately tryna prove your case for. Idiots.
AUN. This thread got derailed pretty bad. Shameless people.
People complaining abt why an organization didn’t help Somalia, how abt you make your own and help out the people your are so desperately tryna prove your case for. Idiots.


Have you ever heard of ‘charity starts at home’? The organisation doesn’t have money to help others, but arguably, they’re soliciting money from the “Somali community” to do something positive on his name. How many will be motivated to give to a Palestinian farmer who isn’t going through droughts (like Somalis) and be grown olive trees? They can collect from the Muslim students at the University. Maybe that’s who they were targeting in the first place.

Have you ever heard of ‘charity starts at home’? The organisation doesn’t have money to help others, but arguably, they’re soliciting money from the “Somali community” to do something positive on his name. How many will be motivated to give to a Palestinian farmer who isn’t going through droughts (like Somalis) and be grown olive trees? They can collect from the Muslim students at the University. Maybe that’s who they were targeting in the first place.

Subhanallah I been told the road he got hit and it's a crowded road. Driver driving 75mph which is beyond madness. They also found the car burned down. The area is full of Timo jilic and they have so many kids driving mad. Hope these animals don't get away with it