Attention men: Do you lot agree?

Didn’t watch a second yet I know it’s nonsense. Men don’t need to be understood. They’re very direct and literal. Whereas women are implicit and indirect which some men don’t understand leading to being played or lead on like danyeer
Angelina macaanto, gabdho la shukaanso waxaa waaye bisha qowma luudka, wa edab darantahay! Sheeko niman meeshan ha la keenin!
Authobillah qowma Luud? What does that have to do with anything? When did I talk about the alphabet community bisinka!
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Didn’t watch a second and I know it’s nonsense. Men don’t need to be understood. They’re very straightforward and literal. Whereas women are implicit and indirect which some men don’t understand leading to being played or lead on like danyeer
Well, if you haven’t watched you can’t comment. Sometimes in life, it’s good to let go of certain views and just take in what others think and then analyse it. If you agree okay, if you still don’t? Okay. But simply listening instead of always thinking your right might stop you from being an incel. I think you seem to have a defeatist mentality have told yourself you’re right instead of listening. Even when the guys advise you, you’re always opposed so this point doesn’t have much to do with the content, I’m talking about your general attitude to life.
Authobillah qowma Luud? What does that have to do with anything? When did about the alphabet community bisinka!
Chill I was joking 🤣, and regarding the video, I think that men that were raised in such a way that didn't involve domestic tasks, would not feel the desire to reciprocate effort in the said manner. They'd relegate themselves to the role of provider and feel that it would suffice, that might be a reason why resentment could be built up for women in such a dynamic..
Watch this video and tell me if you agree? It’s an interesting take. Please watch it properly, I know some of you lot are going to watch a second of it, instead of the whole thing:
You want my honest opinion, haye here it is.

what this women said is absolute shite. Women know exactly the type of guys they get with. The ones that complain, end up with losers (unemployed, narcissists , abusive etc) yet you go into the relationship thinking “I can change him”. You did this to yourself, y’all have no sympathy from me.

edit: I realise this doesn’t apply to all said relationships, but a vast majority. At least the ones we hear about.
Chill I was joking 🤣, and regarding the video, I think that men that were raised in such a way that didn't involve domestic tasks, would not feel the desire to reciprocate effort in the said manner. They'd relegate themselves to the role of provider and feel that it would suffice, that might be a reason why resentment could be built up for women in such a dynamic..
Or maybe women have a habit of thinking not talking about what they want is enough and simply doing certain for things for him and automatically expecting it back? Instead of saying, hey, I want XYZ? I don’t know in female friendships, if I do something for someone, they’d usually return the flavor. It’s what you could argue a female form of manipulation that is understood by women. I do something nice for you, and a woman would automatically do it back, that’s between women.

You want my honest opinion, haye here it is.

what this women said is absolutely shite. Women know exactly the type of guys they get with. The ones that complain, end up with losers (unemployed, narcissists , abusive etc) yet you go into the relationship thinking “I can change him”. You did this to yourself, y’all have no sympathy from me.

edit: I realise this doesn’t apply to all said relationships, but a vast majority. At least the ones we hear about.
I don’t think you watched the video properly or even all of it. It’s got nothing to do with bad men but normal men and women in a relationship. Re-watch it walal lol.
Watch this video and tell me if you agree? It’s an interesting take. Please watch it properly, I know some of you lot are going to watch a second of it, instead of the whole thing:

This was the point I was making yesterday that if you give silent treatment and don't communicate what you want your not gonna get it because we ain't mind readers.
I'm not saying nag I'm saying ask. Being mysterious and expecting us to just get it is a novelty that will wear off and stop being amusing after a bit and you wont get any effort because your not asking for it.
As a guy if I want something from you I'm gonna communicate it.

I guess that's what being assertive is all about just taking initiative but after a while we would like some idea if not have it plainly stated.

In the beginning it might be fine but long term you need to actually ask for what you want
Or maybe women have a habit of thinking not talking about what they want is enough and simply doing certain for things for him and automatically expecting it back? Instead of saying, hey, I want XYZ? I don’t know in female friendships, if I do something for someone, they’d usually return the flavor.
Yeah, I don't tend to tally favour as a man and I'm not inclined to think that my mates do either, this might be an actual gendered thing.
This was the point I was making yesterday that if you give silent treatment and don't communicate what you want your not gonna get it because we ain't mind readers. I'm not saying nag I'm saying ask. Being mysterious and expecting us to just get it is a novelty that will wear off and stop being amusing after a bit and you wont get any effort because your not asking for it.
As a guy if I want something from you I'm gonna communicate it.

I guess that's what being assertive is all about just taking initiative but after a while we would like some idea if not have it plainly stated.

In the beginning it might be fine but long term you need to actually ask for what you want
I was talking about it in terms of the getting to know stage. Jav I’m married. I can’t do the distancing treatment. I blow my husbands phone and tell him I how I feel with no care in the world. I have no shame. I live with the man for goodness sake, but you can’t act like that in the getting to know you stage especially when a man is lowkey taking you for granted. Step back and assess and if he continues, clearly he doesn’t care. Also, within a marriage there are times when you do kinda have to step back if you’ve repeatedly told them.
Once they realize you’re unhappy for real and can’t let it slide a man or woman who loves you will reflect. Sometimes as human we can be oblivious and do hurtful things because we think it isn’t a biggie.
Yeah, I don't tend to tally favour as a man and I'm not inclined to think that my mates do either, this might be an actual gendered thing.
That’s what I mean. I was on TikTok and as she was speaking, it hit me. It’s probably the source of the relationship problems of a lot of women. I’m not talking about bad men, I’m talking about good ones or normal ones who are oblivious. Example, a man would buy you a gift, he’s not doing it thinking he too should get a get a gift after or expecting it. Actually he might want want a fantastic cooked meal ect. But in female friendships, if a friend got me a gift, I automatically get her one next time and I know deep down she expects it.
I was talking about it in terms of the getting to know stage. Jav I’m married. I can’t do the distancing treatment. I blow my husbands phone and tell him I how I feel with no care in the world. I have no shame. I live with the man for goodness sake, but you can’t act like that in the getting to know you stage especially when a man is lowkey taking you for granted. Step back and assess and if he continues, clearly he doesn’t care. Also, within a marriage there are times when you do kinda have to step back if you’ve repeatedly told them.
Once they realize you’re unhappy for real and can’t let it slide a man or woman who loves you will reflect. Sometimes as human we can be oblivious and do hurtful things because we think it isn’t a biggie.
That's my take on the video I'm basically saying I agree.
That’s what I mean. I was on TikTok and as she was speaking, it hit me. It’s probably the source of the relationship problems of a lot of women. I’m not talking about bad men, I’m talking about good ones or normal ones who are oblivious. Example, a man would buy you a gift, he’s not doing it thinking he too should get a get a gift after or expecting it. Actually he might want want a fantastic cooked meal ect. But in female friendships, if a friend got me a gift, I automatically get her one next time and I know deep down she expects it.
Well technically you shouldn't be expecting things in return.
if I give my mates gifts or money I don't really expect them to give me one back or return the money unless they asked to borrow it. And viversa I don't expect them to asumme I would get them something the next time we meet. It's not really a thought unless I state in the moment that I would get them something in return which would make it a promise at that point.

But then again men don't really get each other gifts as often as women do amongst each other and if we want something we just plainly ask for it instead of hinting and playing manipulation politics.
Depends how thoughtful the man you're with is. Just like how some men will help you with the cooking and cleaning by themselves vs those who won't do anything unless you ask him
Well technically you shouldn't be expecting things in return.
if I give my mates gifts or money I don't really expect them to give me one back or return the money unless they asked to borrow it. And viversa I don't expect them to asumme I would get them something the next time we meet. It's not really a thought unless I state in the moment that I would get them something in return which would make it a promise at that point.

But then again men don't really get each other gifts as often as women do amongst each other and if we want something we just plainly ask for it instead of hinting and playing manipulation politics.
The logic of women is a simple one. Treat people how they treat you. Example, if it’s my friend gets me an Eid Gift, it’s a bit rude of me not to get her one next time. She went out of way to think about me, at the very least I should be able to think about her without having to be told. The thing is women are naturally more thoughtful, I mean most women are future mothers so it’s biological for us to think a lot more about how others feel.

