
How the f*ck can person become an atheist šŸ˜‚ personally am afraid from this mother fuckers I mean they donā€™t believe in anything how do u even live like this just wake up, eat and sleep in repeat. I think they r sycophants just my opinion
you are this userā€¦arenā€™t you? The security guard from a couple weeks ago
your spamming and the way you write is identical. :notsureif:


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
Atheism is hard. When you don't believe in the concept of a soul and that your body just rots after death. It can be challenging and alienating especially when you come from an orthodox religious community. This can either be liberating to make the most of your life or contribute to nihilistic depression. It really depends on their state of mind. I can't help but feel a bit sad for them. They may feel the same about me. I don't think Atheism has to be a permanent state. It could be a phase. There have been many who abandoned it for some other belief system be an organized religion or some less formal spiritual practice/form of knowing.

Do I agree with it? No. I just rather busy myself with my belief in IIahi than their religious disenchantment or departure. As long as they can respect that I don't care what they believe/don't. I think the best dawah is to be a good example. That's it. My philosophy is you do you and I will do me. Maybe IIahi will make me less religious and them embrace religion. We simply don't know who will be guided and who will not.​
Atheism is hard. When you don't believe in the concept of a soul and that your body just rots after death. It can be challenging and alienating especially when you come from an orthodox religious community. This can either be liberating to make the most of your life or contribute to nihilistic depression. It really depends on their state of mind. I can't help but feel a bit sad for them. They may feel the same about me. I don't think Atheism has to be a permanent state. It could be a phase. There have been many who abandoned it for some other belief system be an organized religion or some less formal spiritual practice/form of knowing.

Do I agree with it? No. I just rather busy myself with my belief in IIahi than their religious disenchantment or departure. As long as they can respect that I don't care what they believe/don't. I think the best dawah is to be a good example. That's it. My philosophy is you do you and I will do me. Maybe IIahi will make me less religious and them embrace religion. We simply don't know who will be guided a who will not.​
U right I seen a lot of atheist Somali return to Islam
I've made a post on Dr. Osman's thread explaining my reasons for supporting religion.

Religion and traditional values are beneficial to societies, it provides us a sense of purpose, belonging, and meaning to our lives.

I recommend that even if you are not a practicing or religious person, you should still try to identify with Islam and adopt Islamic teachings that align with your personal beliefs.

It's better than being a depressed doomer on r/nihilism



E pluribus unum
I've made a post on Dr. Osman's thread explaining my reasons for supporting religion.

I recommend that even if you are not a practicing or religious person, you should still try to identify with Islam and adopt Islamic teachings that align with your personal beliefs.

It's better than being a depressed doomer on r/nihilism

Nihilists are pathetic, even if I wasn't religious I wouldn't be a nihilist, I respect absurdists more.
Yh itā€™s crazy they donā€™t believe in a creator but at the end of the day itā€™s their choice and Allah will judge them for whatever they believed.

Remember even a prophet (Nuh AS) son was a disbeliever even tho his father is a noble person to Allah ? So yh itā€™s crazy
In atheism, morals donā€™t really matter at all. Thatā€™s why nearly all genocidal dictators rejected god as it told them to treat mankind with kindness.

Then the minority of them only endorses god to maintain his or hers Public support.
Why are you muslim men so obsessed with atheism? Don't you have a whole country to rebuild and starving people to feed. Your Muslim brothers are currently going through the worst humanitarian disasters (war, famine, drought, poverty, genocide) yet all you're doing is going online harassing and criticising people's beliefs who are doing much better than you while ironically living in gaal western country.

Atheist men have nothing to look forward to when they die no heaven, no rewards, yet they put their lives on the risk in a second to protect their children, women and land something that cannot be said about modern Muslim men who will rather be seen as refugees and "victims" than real men.
Why are you muslim men so obsessed with atheism? Don't you have a whole country to rebuild and starving people to feed. Your Muslim brothers are currently going through the worst humanitarian disasters (war, famine, drought, poverty, genocide) yet all you're doing is going online harassing and criticising people's beliefs who are doing much better than you while ironically living in gaal western country.

Atheist men have nothing to look forward to when they die no heaven, no rewards, yet they put their lives on the risk in a second to protect their children, women and land something that cannot be said about modern Muslim men who will rather be seen as refugees and "victims" than real men.
lol can ppl not ask questions here dirty kafir

