Are you Somali (Nationality) or the country you we're born/raised in first?

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Somali and British are both important identities to me. Somali is naturally more important because ethnicity > nationality but i've recently come to identify more and more with British culture. I had a lot of contempt for Britain when I was younger but the older I grow, the more I realise that I have a very british mindset and attitude. Somali-brits are the people I can relate to the most.
I think people from different countries will have different feelings about their citizenship. Most Somalis living in multi cultural countries such as US,UK and Canada will have no problem identifying themselves as Canadians, Americans, British . They are not seen as outsiders. However, this will not be the same for the ones living in Ethnocentric countries such as the ones in Scandinavia. They will always be seen as outsiders. I am not so sure about Australia though. I would like to read anyone's opinions on this.
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I'm Somali first, but when I go home I realise just how British I am ....


We don't quite fit at home and we're reminded we're not from this country
Sometimes, in conclusion: were inbetweeners.


I'm Somali first, but when I go home I realise just how British I am ....


We don't quite fit at home and we're reminded we're not from this country
Sometimes, in conclusion: were inbetweeners.

I don't even consider myself an inbetweener anymore, my self-identification has diverged too much from both groups.:mybusiness:
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