Are Somali guys the only ones who don't put white women on a peddle?

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Certified CNC expert.
White girls
1st date: coffee
2nd date: kiss
3rd date: sex

Somali girls
1st date fast food (I recommend swimming)
2nd date: Chinese restaurant
3rd date: shopping
4th date: cinema
7th date: hug
10th date: Italian restaurant
16th date: buying her a new phone
18th date: kiss on the cheek
20th date: more shopping
25th date: attempted sex but failed
28th date: she wants a new car
30th date: RAPE


Kim Jong Fun
Somalis have a nack for claiming photos of foreigners who they think resembles them. In most cases they are either mixed or complete ajanabi.
This is because of fools like you who are spreading the lie that Somali women are ugly because you can't find them naked online. In this internet age of s some Somalis try to argue back by posting similar looking women from the races.


Quintessentially negroid: Your problem?
I think that isn't something exclusive to Somali women all women have a negative IQ
Somali women in the West have become too integrated with Western Culture.
Here in Australia we are at times on par with Asians and we strive to be at their par at every given opportunity.
White girls
1st date: coffee
2nd date: kiss
3rd date: sex

Somali girls
1st date fast food (I recommend swimming)
2nd date: Chinese restaurant
3rd date: shopping
4th date: cinema
7th date: hug
10th date: Italian restaurant
16th date: buying her a new phone
18th date: kiss on the cheek
20th date: more shopping
25th date: attempted sex but failed
28th date: she wants a new car
30th date: RAPE

White girls:
1 base: Anal
2 base: Invite friends
3 base: Marriage

Somali men
1 base: Rape
2 base: Anal in prison

Somali women:
1 base: Internet contact with somali man
2 base: Chatter with friends while said contact is on
3 base: Laugh and go to the gym to watch real men
Name me one Somali girls that knows who John Maynard Keynes is.

Somali women have negative IQ.

@Angela Davis

John Maynard Keynes is a british economist, most famously known for his theory of expansive economics. He proposed in the midst of the worst economic stagnation and depression in modern history that the government should conduct expansive economics while in depression to create a multiplier effect while conducting a contractive economic policy during booms with unsustainable growth.The muliplier effect is theorized as the effect in which the goverment gives incentives for it citizen to spend by kick-starting buisness trough public investment and thereby creating an artifical demand, that is shortly to be replaced by a real one as the citizen gain confidence in the market.

His theory lays the foundation for government intervention to counter externalities that wouldn't otherwise be solved trough market failure. His theory justifies government spending and stands in contrast to Thomas Friedman theories, whom believes that such intervention is an exchange short-term employment benefits for long term inflation, which over time will catch up with the govermental spending.

Many democratic socialists and in part labour uses his theory to justify government intervention for the good of the people.

My apologies as my economic theory is a bit rusty as I've not had any for the last 7 years :mjswag:@sahersi @Sovereign-Reiko @Assata Shakur @Knowthyself, @NAF anything you guys would like to add?
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Quintessentially negroid: Your problem?
John Maynard Keynes is a british economist, most famously known for his theory of expansive economics. He proposed in the midst of the worst economic stagnation and depression in modern history that the government should conduct expansive economics while in depression to create a multiplier effect while conducting a contractive economic policy during booms with unsustainable growth.The muliplier effect is theorized as the effect in which the goverment gives incentives for it citizen to spend by kick-starting buisness trough public investment and thereby creating an artifical demand.

His theory lays the foundation for government intervention to counter externalities that wouldn't otherwise be solved trough market failure. His theory justifies government spending and stands in contrast to Thomas Friedman theories, whom believes that such intervention is exchange short-term employment benefits for long term inflation, which over time will catch up with the govermental spending.

Many democratic socialist and in part labour uses his theory to justify government intervention for the good of the people.

My economic theory is a bit rusty as I've not had any for the last 7 years :mjswag:

Smh. I've been proven wrong.
They don't have Google and Wikipedia down under? :russ:

To be honest Keynes theory can be a bit complex if you don't understand his basic historical context and you can find the sources by googling the word's written by the person. Also every person writes in a distinct way of their own, and you can hear when it is not the other person writing it.


As i live and breathe
No need to front dude.:kodaksmiley:

They look like they are about the same age.

Point being cadaan women lick the floor that we walk on.:westbrookswag:
They had kids :deadpeter:

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