Are Somali girls too stuck up for their own good

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Anyone find ajanabi girls just easier to talk too? I'm talking about other muslim women such as Asians, Arabs etc.

I can count the number of Somali women I had organic convos with on one hand aside from relatives and family friends. Whereas throughout school and work ajanabi women just seem to be chiller, idk why.
And vice versa.

My sister and I were talking about this last night when we were discussing this dude she blocked and she was comparing them a next person!

It’s almost like Somalis don’t know how interact with the opposite sex when that person is Somali. There’s some kind of weird unidentifiable forcefield that’s going full force when it’s Somali/Somali, meanwhile when they aren’t Somali, it’s easier for us to be vulnerable and natural.

I swear, to date, outside my own brothers, I’ve only been able to have organically interesting conversations irl and chemistry with one Somali guy, typically ajnabi guys are more forthcoming and chill, and I notice that they’re (Somali guys) more vulnerable with Ajnabis as well.
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